Jail Visitors

The sign above the window read INFORMATION. Below the glass window was a large metal drawer for passing money or papers back and forth. The lobby was filled with people waiting to visit prisoners at the San Diego County Jail in Vista, California. The young couple spoke loudly to be heard through the closed glass window, and I heard the man reply, "What do you mean he can't have them? I just paid ten bucks to buy 'em at the liquor store for him. He told me it was not against the rules."

The police woman replied, "It's not against the rules for him to have the surfing magazines, but we are not allowed to give him PLAYBOY and HUSTLER. We don’t allow prisoners to look at magazines that feature naked girls and boys."

The visitor opened the metal drawer and took out the jail pass and the two surfing magazines leaving the forbidden magazines with the police woman. Inside the glass enclosure, the lady pushed a button to unlock the pink door. The man held it open for himself and to let his girlfriend enter the locked area of the jail.

When they came back out the man picked up the girlie magazines from the lady at the Information window. The couple was leaving when I heard the girlfriend say, "If she won't let us give him the magazines, she ought-ta give us back our ten bucks we paid for 'em. Bitch!"