Larry Gonzales

Larry grew up near Venice in West Los Angeles. I met Larry and his wife Peggy on the trails in the hills behind my small horse ranch. They walked hand in hand while I rode a horse. After making friends with me Larry began learning how to ride one of my older horses. As friends we had pleasant talks about life, people, and horses. We developed a habit of going out to a restaurant for breakfast once a week.

Larry and I have a great deal in common. We were active in sports, learned to work hard with our fathers, we served in the Armed Forces, and have medical educations. Larry was a tough kid, but when he grew up he became a doctor of dentistry.

One day Larry described a blond actress named Goldie Hahn. He said, “Goldie used to be on a T.V. series called Laugh In. She played the part of a dumb blond, and they frequently painted her scantily clad body with paintings that made her look like she had no clothing on at all. She looked beautiful. She always screwed up while telling one lined jokes. As a beginning actor, her body, not her brain, got all the attention. Now, as a movie star and director she proves she is smart after all.”

Larry told me a joke about blonds. “Why did the dumb blond sell her car?”

I said I didn’t know. Then Larry said, “To get money to buy gas. Ha, ha!"

Then Larry said,“When I was younger I met a blond woman in Virginia. I was about twenty three and she was twenty one. She roomed with my girlfriend when I was a Marine. When I met the blond room mate, I sensed she was a slow witted person because of her way of talking. She had a very slow southern drawl. She answered questions slowly like she had to think to make answers. It was like she was stupid. I went over to see my girl frequently, and we went double dating with the blond and her dates. Each time I had a conversation with the blond she seemed a little smarter to me. At that time I was not a dentist. All I had was a high school education and a few years as a Marine. One evening I talked to her. I asked about her education and found out that at twenty two she had already graduated from college. I asked her where she worked and she said, ‘I am a mathematician. I program war missiles.’”

Larry purchased two horses and a horse trailor, is a leader at a horse club, and has learned much about horses.