On Drugs

Thoughts by John Browne


1. Illegal drugs are a problem.

2. People who use drugs are willing to pay high prices to get them.

3. People who sell drugs try to keep the drug prices high. They are in business to make big profits. They fight each other to eliminate competition. Since the business is illegal with a lot of money at stake, they use guns to fight each other and to protect themselves from the police.

4. Banks and countless other businesses make money by laundering drug money. They are happy to have this easy way of getting richer.

5. Our government has cooperated with big drug dealers to gain political control of foreign governments. Noriega in Panama is an example.

6. Police are paid to fight the losing battle against drugs. Some police depend on the drug war for personal power and prestige.

7. Manufacturers of weapons, ships, planes, and helicopters make money selling their goods to our government. Then our government sells or gives the weapons to foreign governments to fight the drug wars. As manufacturers gain wealth, tax payers pay the bill.

All the people who are fighting or working for or against drugs are profiting. Even the President is being paid to fight in the drug war. We pay his wages no matter how he spends his time. He is spending time on drugs so that is what we pay him to do. The money we pay out for all the expenses brought about by our efforts to fight drugs is unbelievable.


1. Allow everybody to make drugs to sell cheap. Do not tax them.

2. Allow anyone over eighteen to buy or sell drugs. Keep the cost low so nobody will buy expensive drugs from crooks.

3. Fine and jail people who drive a car or disturb the peace while under the influence of drugs.

4. Make fun of drug users with government sponsored programs... Subsidize comedians, writers, and others who poke fun at and humiliate drug users.

5. Do steps one through four above. The Drug wars will stop.