Pokey West No. 92

My earliest memory of Pokey was when he drove an old 1930's car...and well he was pretty pokey!

Tom Stewert said this on facebook: " I remember this car, it was a 32 Chrysler that belong to the Jones Brothers and there Dad won't let them drive it, so Pokey drove it. That's how Pokey West got started in racing." K Marvin Jones said " Right Tom, we called it (#92) the 'cousin's car, most of the guys that 'piitted' it were cousins. West brothers, Jones Brothers and Widmer Brothers, great fun/memories!"

But then one year he showed up in the spring with a new 1950's car and he got real fast and started winning! Pokey was from West Chester, Iowa if I remember right. Go Pokey Go!

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Below is a photo of Pokey West and his wife in 2014. Mike Bruner shared this photo on facebook

Below photo posted by Scott Berlin on facebook. Thanks Scott.