Bob Hindbaugh No. 4

Bob Hindbaugh sent me these two photos. Since 1979 he has lived in the Branson Mo. area and had an ornamental iron and welding shop there.  Thanks Robert for the photos!  Click on the photos to make them


Above Bob wins the Trophy Dash at Mt. Pleasant in his 1934 Sedan.  Bob's car and shirts were green and white. 

The great photo above is Robert with his wife Ruth at West Liberty.  Ruth drove Robert's 1955 Ford stock car to victory in the Powder Puff Race!  She got a nice trophy!  Larry Gassaway commented on this photo- "  I remember

  Bob strutting around  he was really proud of Ruth.   In that picture I am  behind the car just behind Bobs right shoulder ( I am behind the R on Hunters TV)  and to my left is Pete LaRue. from Muscatine also."  Thanks Larry for the comments!

Gale Reed sent me this photo of Robert below taken in  1963 or 64.

These photos are from Randy Foor and are both Bob Hindbaugh 's cars.

Bob Hindbaugh gets into the fence..

Thanks to Anna Mae Schmelzer for identifying this car.