Bob Helm No. 61

Gale Reeds shared this 1971 car with Bob out front!  Click on photos to see them larger!

Below 1970 car shared by Scott Berlin on facebook..

Bob was in the running most nights. 

Here is Bob's car on the trailer.

Looks like a Dodge!

The photo below was shared by Ron Thurman on facebook.

Bob in 1972. Photo is at Freeport but Ron probably raced this car

at CJ and West Liberty.

This photo below shared by Kyle Ealy on facebook.  From season opener on

May 5, 1973

Photo above from Gale Reed's collection..this is Bob in 1969.

Photo below from Gale Reed also of Bob in 1970.

This photo below was developed in 1970

Jeff Hallowell shared this photo  above on the History of Iowa Dirt Track racing facebook page.

I guess in this car Bob had a bad accident at Columbus Junction and the seat broke loose injuring his back.  It could be the wreck you see farther down the page.

I think Bob was from Tipton, Iowa.

Another car Bob drove.

This photo above says it was processed in 1970. 

And here is Bob in an earlier car yet.  1957 Dodge..

And another below that was sent to me by Joe Tonkinson.

Sadly this is what happens in Stock Car Racing. Dan Helm, Bob's son, asked his Dad about it.

Dan wrote on facebook... " He had finished 5th the 1st night 4th the next night then 3rd, and a guy named Erie (Dad can't remember his last name, but he helped on the car sometimes) said "Ya gonna get 2nd tonite Bob?"  Dad said heck no, I'm gunna win.  He bet him a cheeseburger.  Then he qualified well, won the heat and Ernie then challenged "Still going to win Bob?" Dad upped the anti to 2 cheeseburgers.   He was leading down the back stretch, had er up on that levy setting sail and claims about half way down there was a big roll of sod or a dirt pile of some sort that turned him upside down in front of the whole pack.    I heard someone earlier state 10 cars, Dad claims 11 involved.   Also he said about 2/3 of those cars never returned and rebuilt entirely new cars. #destroyed I never thought to ask if Ernie ever got his cheeseburgers?"

  Mark Mosier won the race that night.  If Bob had not gotten in to that sod the Mopar might of won!

Below shared by Kyle Ealy on Facebook

Final score -

West Liberty 1

Bob Helm 0

Bob Helm of Rochester lost his battle with the unforgiving wall at West Liberty on August 4, 1968. His car was demolished but fortunately, Helm was not injured.

Thanks to David Bailey for sharing these photos on facebook.

Car above 1967