
One ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,

and . . . prevention can avoid situations like this (video only).

Part 1: Vaccines to Save the World?

Watch Bill Nye Saves the World Season 1, Episode 6.

Stop at the following times-remaining and answer the questions in your journal.

  1. 23:00 - How do vaccines work?

  2. 22:23 - How could one person not getting vaccinated make you sick?

  3. 21:43 - See article on new Washington State law ending vaccine exemptions

  4. 16:20 - How did India eradicate polio?

  5. 6:30 - Why do some parents choose not to vaccinate their children?

  6. 5:15-4:55 - MUTE SOUND and discuss scene.

  7. 2:06 - What does herd immunity mean and how does it work?

Part 2: Ounce of Prevention

Brainstorm ways to prevent infectious diseases.

Then, share what diseases students have been vaccinated against.

Read and follow directions in the Micro-Life Book p. C-90 to C-96.

After the role playing, discuss the difference between an antibiotic and a vaccination.

In your journal, write and fill in the following table.

Part 3: Hand-washing experiment

Watch this king of pop hand-washing video and see how one ounce of prevention can avoid situations like this(video only).

Read Micro-Life Book p. C-85 to C-87 and follow the hand washing activity (part 1) directions.

Instead of making a data table in your journal, complete the Hand Washing assignment sheet.

Prevention Extension: Discovery of Penicillin

Watch the movie from the Micro-Life Book p. C-97 to C-98. Take notes and answer analysis questions as assigned in the book.

Options for All Disease Extensions (choose one):

1. Written Reflection:

1. Write a one paragraph summary of what you learned from the (resource).

2. Then, evaluate the (resource) in one paragraph. In your evaluation, give your opinion on how appropriate the material from it would be for the rest of class, judge the pros and cons of it, and predict how well students will do with the it.

3. Then, write a paragraph with a recommendation for whether the (resource) should be used by the full class in the future.

2. Creative Reflection (choose one):

  • Make an art project to illustrate what you learned from the (resource).

    • Perform or record a skit to illustrate what you learned from the (resource).