
In this unit we will learn about the geologic history of the Olympic Peninsula, evaluating different accounts of what led to our landforms, and then we will delve into earthquakes and volcanoes.

Scroll down for unit assignments and exemplary past work samples.

Week 1 (Nov 7): We will learn the rock cycle and geologic processes. The Point: Model the cycling of Earth's materials and the flow of energy that drives this process (NGSS MS-ESS2-1). Explain how geoscience processes have changed Earth's surface (NGSS MS-ESS2-2).

Week 2 (Nov 14): We will learn the history of the Olympic Peninsula according to geologic evidence and Native American landform creation stories from our region.  We will analyze these accounts and, in so doing, we will be completing the Dig Deep PROJECT. The Point: Analyze and interpret data on the distribution of rocks, continental shapes and seafloor structures to provide evidence of past plate motions (NGSS MS-ESS2-3). Identify the causes of earthquakes and volcanoes in the Pacific Northwest (NGSS MS-ESS2-2).

Week 3 (Nov 21): We will start learning about volcanoes through a feature (and ficticous) film called "Supervolcano."  The Point: Identify the causes of earthquakes and volcanoes in the Pacific Northwest (NGSS MS-ESS2-2).

Week 4 (Nov 28): We will continue learning about volcanoes. The Point: Catastrophic changes can modify or create surface features over a very short period of time compared to other geoscience processes (NGSS MS-ESS2-3).

Week 5 (Dec 5): We will start learning about earthquakes.  We will start our earthquake tower project.  The Point: Identify the causes of earthquakes and volcanoes in the PNW and how to prepare for them (NGSS MS-ESS2-2). Analyze and interpret data on natural hazards to forecast future catastrophic events and inform the development of technologies to mitigate their effects (NGSS MS-ESS3-2).

Week 6 (Dec 12): We complete and test earthquake towers.  We will also learn more about earthquakes and tsunamis.  The Point: Identify the causes of earthquakes and volcanoes in the PNW and how to prepare for them  (NGSS MS-ESS2-2).  Analyze and interpret data on the distribution of rocks, continental shapes and seafloor structures to provide evidence of past plate motions (NGSS MS-ESS2-3).

Documents and assignments are linked below.

Exemplary Past Work Samples:

Geology Unit Journal Prompts - Student Sample of Journal Prompt Responses and Notes

     Student Sample of Completed Assignments