We all live in a watershed. Watch "What is a Watershed" movie (1 min).
Part 1: Watershed Maps
Observe watershed map examples of the Elwha River and United States.
Part 2: Watershed Challenge
Using a rope to represent a body of water and students to represent the mountains and ridges surrounding the water, the challenge is to silently or blindly create differently-shaped watersheds as instructed.
Part 3: Miniature Watershed Model
Crumple a piece of paper and then partly flatten it. Use a washable marker to color the tops of the ridges. Then, observe what happens when it "rains."
In your journal, respond to the following questions:
1. What happens to the water when it hits the paper in your model?
2. What happens to the color when water hits it?
3. Based on your model, what is one way water can get polluted?