Library Set-up

Throughout the scholastic years (2015-17), there was a collective effort to renew and update our school library. One of the initial steps was to start a weeding process whereby books that were out of date or unused for several years were removed. Some of these books were put on sale at very reduced prices, others were given to appropriate charities, while any remaining ones were recycled.

Weeding is a vital process for an active collection because it ensures the collection stays current, relevant, and in good condition. This should be done on a continuous, on-going basis.

The next step was to computerise and catalogue the library materials. A library management system (LMS) was set up, and library cards for each user, date and spine labels, and barcodes were created. A barcode reader was also bought.

Students' Library Cards

Date Labels

Spine Labels


Library systems are nowadays widely used, they are more manageable and accurate compared to manual systems. It is important for a school to have an effective and efficient library system not only to accommodate large numbers of books, but also to make the updating and borrowing process and the whole organization of library resources feasible. The accessibility of records becomes much more practical.