E - China Reading Corner and the Book Donation Ceremony

   courtesy of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of Malta

On Thursday 19th January 2023, His Excellency Mr Peng Yijun, Chargé d’Affaires of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of Malta, visited our school to preside the Book Donation Ceremony.


During the ceremony, Matthew Camilleri (Form 5 Green) delivered the welcoming address. Student Laurent Jacques Bishop (Form 1 Green) sang Dominic Grech’s ‘Inti Djamant’ and J. S. Bach’s Ave Maria.  Then, the students were shown two short video clips introducing China and the Chinese New Year. The donation of the books followed; these were presented to the school’s librarian Mr. Paul Galea. The students’ council was presented with a panda doll by Mr Peng Yigun. In Chinese culture, the panda is a symbol of peace and friendship. Then, Mr Yigun delivered his speech.


The head of school, Fr Charles Sultana, also addressed the students and thanked the Chargé d’Affaires for the generous donation. During his short message, Fr. Sultana referred to the excellent relationships between the two countries and emphasized the common values shared by the two countries. The school presented a hardbound book about the history of the Sacred Heart Seminary, written and signed by Monsignor Dr Joseph Bezzina, and a memento, specifically done by our Design and Technology teachers to Mr Yigun.


The ceremony ended with Chinese performances featuring indigenous musical instruments. Light refreshments followed, very well prepared by the Home Economics and Hospitality Team.


Student Giacomo Debrincat (Form 4 Green) was the compère during the ceremony.

Report: Fr Geoffrey G. Attard

Photo credits: Mr Chris Camilleri

Video credit: Mr Anthony Grech

The following is an article about the Book Donation Ceremony uploaded on the website of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Republic of Malta.

For more information, please, click HERE.