Library Week + World Book Day

Activities held in March and April

Reading Task competition


Year 7 and 8  students

Reading & General Knowledge QUIZ


Year 9 and 10  students

Some students took part in the 

Literacy and Information Support Unit

(LISU) Competitions

Monday, 17th April 2023

Students introducing Library Week activities

during the morning assembly

Read anytime, anywhere:

a new banner was fixed on the fence

in the Football Ground during the Library Week.

This was then permanently put

in the school canteen.

Tuesday, 18 April 2023

Year 10 students had an interesting visit at the National Library, Victoria.

Thanks to Mr George Cassar and

Mr Chris Galea for explaining

the purpose and services of this building.

Tuesday, 18 April 2023

Year 10 students visited the National Archives

(Gozo section), Victoria.

Thanks to Mr John Cremona

for explaining the purpose and services

of this building.

Wednesday, 19 April 2023

Year 9 students had a talk:

Sagħtar ifewwaħ f’Jum il-Ktieb

by Mr Christopher Giordano,

editor of Sagħtar magazine.

Students learnt how this magazine is published and

what type of articles it contains.

Fr Charles Sultana, the head of school,

presented a hardbound book

about the history of the Sacred Heart Seminary,

written by Monsignor Dr Joseph Bezzina to

Mr Giordano.

Thursday, 20th April 2023

Year 8 students were delighted to welcome

Mr. Francecso Pio Attard, a past pupil, Communications Officer for the Diocese of Gozo,

and the editor of the Gozitan monthly magazine,

‘Il-Ħajja f’Għawdex’,

who provided a brief overview on journalism.

Students learnt about the different types of journalism styles including newspapers, magazines, television, radio, blogs, emails, and social media.

Emphasis was made on the necessity to find

the TRUTH and the ACCURACY

in all the information we are exposed to.

Friday, 21st April 2023

Year 7 students had a talk by Mr Noel Formosa,

Operations Manager at the Gozo Press.

The theme was

“World Book Day and the Printing Process”.

Students learnt about the first printing press in Gozo and

how a book is made step by step.

18th - 21st April 2023

During the library week, before the first lesson,

a storytelling session was held in each class.

Main Objective:

Listening to stories; reading for pleasure.


Teachers or students chose a short story

in Maltese or in English and

was read aloud to the students.

17th - 20th April 2023

Guess the Reader Competition

 for all students