Landscape With a Tree

TEMPERA ON CANVAS  50 x 70 cm.

When Mele finished this painting, I looked at it and I honestly thought it was nothing special. I could not even understand what he had tried to paint or if it was just a random experiment with colours. I let it dry for quite a while without observing it anymore. Luckily a person pointed out that it really looked like a landscape with clouds, with sun rays touching a corn field and a green tree on the left. The only thing I understood, asking the artist, was that the gray spot at the bottom is supposed to be the narrow road leading to our house. I noticed that Through the window of our living room- kitchen, which is the room where Emanuele spends most of his time, you can watch at a tree really like this one...just "half of a tree". Would the painting be "the window on our garden"?