

January 12, 2019

Learning is Like a Rubberband

Using high energy, laughter and his 20+ years of #Edu-Experience John Eick will launch a day of exploration at our CLS Conference - inspiring every one of us to stretch our learning. From the stage, John will foster each of our passions for establishing a classroom culture of creativity. Focusing on engaged and empowered growth for students and staff, attendees will gain not only inspiration to engage in the lessons offered during the CLS conference, but useable techniques that help to bridge learning from the conference directly to the classroom.


January 12, 2019

Ensuring that Every Student’s Voice is Heard

In this two hour, hands on session, participants will blend both digital and in-class techniques to increase student participation in collaboration and discussion. Participants will role-play protocols to improve student conversations that can be used the next day! During this session participants will learn methods to launch student podcasts, rock video responses using flipgrid, and explore ways to both create and capture student voice. This session is applicable K-12 and appropriate for all levels.



- CapCue Board President - CUE Lead Learner - Google Certified Teacher -

- CUE Speaker's Bureau - CUE Rockstar Faculty