Automating Feedback
Auto-Scoring and Offering Automated Feedback through Google Forms
1:30pm - 2:30pm - Room 10
In this session, participants will use three methods to automate the workflow of grading student assessments and offering feedback. This is an exciting intermediate/advanced session, participants will be using add-ons such as Flubaroo, Yet Another Mail Merge and Autocrat.
Welcome to Automation!
Want a copy of today's notes? Click here and make a copy of the Google Doc notes.
First: Click here to take an auto graded quiz! Make sure to enter your email to receive your grade!
Next: Click Here to take a look at how the grades look from the teacher side!
Let's Talk Flubaroo
- Why Flubaroo vs. Why Not?
- Auto Grade vs. Trigger Grading when Ready
- Build Form, Launch Response Sheet
- Take your own quiz to create answer key
- Launch quiz with participants
- Goto Response Sheet, click Add-Ons, Flubaroo, Grade Assignment
- Follow the step set up.
- Once assignments have been graded, goto Add-ons, Flubaroo, Email Grades.
To use automatic grading and email response, simply follow steps 1 & 2 then:
- Goto response sheet, click Add-on, Flubaroo> Advanced> Enable AutoGrade
Next Step - Making Feedback Automated & Authentic!
Next: Click here to engage in a possibly more authentic form of feedback.
Then: Click Here to take a look at how feedback can be given by first responding to the student on the Response Form, then using a mail merge to send feedback to your students.
Steps to Mail Merging Feedback
- Build a Google Form
- Launch Response Sheet & Insert Teacher Response Columns into the Response Sheet
- Build a draft email use <<Double Markers>> around the column header names that you wish to merge into the email response.
- Launch Form to Students
- Write Feedback into the Response Columns
- Click Add-ons > Yet Another Mail Merge> Start Mail Merge
- Follow Steps to Merge and send emails
Click Here and make a copy of this form to get started.
Click Here and make a copy of this email template (Merge tags match the form above)
CapCue Board Member
CUE Lead Learner
Google Certified Teacher