Automating Feedback

Auto-Scoring and Offering Automated Feedback through Google Forms

1:30pm - 2:30pm - Room 10

In this session, participants will use three methods to automate the workflow of grading student assessments and offering feedback. This is an exciting intermediate/advanced session, participants will be using add-ons such as Flubaroo, Yet Another Mail Merge and Autocrat.

Welcome to Automation!

Want a copy of today's notes? Click here and make a copy of the Google Doc notes.

First: Click here to take an auto graded quiz! Make sure to enter your email to receive your grade!

Next: Click Here to take a look at how the grades look from the teacher side!

Let's Talk Flubaroo

Steps To Flubaroo

  1. Build Form, Launch Response Sheet
  2. Take your own quiz to create answer key
  3. Launch quiz with participants
  4. Goto Response Sheet, click Add-Ons, Flubaroo, Grade Assignment
  5. Follow the step set up.
  6. Once assignments have been graded, goto Add-ons, Flubaroo, Email Grades.

To use automatic grading and email response, simply follow steps 1 & 2 then:

  • Goto response sheet, click Add-on, Flubaroo> Advanced> Enable AutoGrade

Next Step - Making Feedback Automated & Authentic!

Next: Click here to engage in a possibly more authentic form of feedback.

Then: Click Here to take a look at how feedback can be given by first responding to the student on the Response Form, then using a mail merge to send feedback to your students.

Steps to Mail Merging Feedback

  1. Build a Google Form
  2. Launch Response Sheet & Insert Teacher Response Columns into the Response Sheet
  3. Build a draft email use <<Double Markers>> around the column header names that you wish to merge into the email response.
  4. Launch Form to Students
  5. Write Feedback into the Response Columns
  6. Click Add-ons > Yet Another Mail Merge> Start Mail Merge
  7. Follow Steps to Merge and send emails

Click Here and make a copy of this form to get started.

Click Here and make a copy of this email template (Merge tags match the form above)


CapCue Board Member

CUE Lead Learner

Google Certified Teacher