Scoring System
This page shows the method we use so that one player from each group can enter the scores from the group for that week.
Scores must be entered by the declared deadline time shown to the right.
If you wish, you can enter your own score. You will be shown other players in your group, but can just Finish once your score has been automatically saved.
Note that prior to the start of the season players will be offered the opportunity to do 'Practice' scoring so that they are familiar and up to date with the scoring system.
Unless your fees have been paid, you cannot be scheduled to play by Rob and the scoring system will not have your name available to enter scores. If you have made arrangements in advance with Jamie, you can be scheduled to play by Rob and your score can be entered.
Using the Player's Dashboard links you to the scoring system. It is set up to identify you as a scorer. If you need to get a new copy of the key link it can be sent to you by email. Click Get a Key.
You can enter your scores and those of others that were in your group. To assist the scorers, the normal groupings will be stored in the system based on the Gaffers bookings that were made. Any players can be scorers and use the system. If a player who normally keeps score for the group is unavailable one week, another player can enter scores using their own link. Please do not "share" links as it can create confusion if anyone experiences difficulties or has questions. After entering scores for a group the scorer should retain the scorecard for at least a week in case discussions are needed about the values.
Once entered, the scores will be recorded in the scorebook for the week. The following sections show examples of how the page will look, although the actual numbers are likely to be different!
Entering Scores
The scoring system will be opened each week for Gaffers scores to be entered. In order to be able to publish the results, the scoring system will be closed at the deadline time shown above and the scores that have been entered will be posted to enable the weekly calculations.
You open the scoring system by clicking on the button in your Dashboard.
Pace of Play
We like to track how long we are all taking to play and Rob monitors this information. So each scorer is asked to enter the start and end times for their group, so please remember to note the time when the first player in your group tees off, and the time when the group leaves the 18th green
You will be presented with this form to the right:
The guidelines are in the form each time you view it ...
The form expects Military time, so 1pm is 13, 2pm is 14, 3pm 15.
The Start hour must be between 7 and 11
Minutes need to be two digits
The End hour must be at least 3 hours after the Start hour
Once you have entered the two times, the elapsed time is calculated and shown to you and the button to move on to put in Scores is enabled.
If there was a mistake in the times entered, you can adjust them by highlighting the appropriate box and retyping.
When you have the intended times entered, you can click the 'Go to Scoring' button
It is possible that you may be entering scores for a group in which you did not play. In that case, just use the 'drop down list' to select one of the players in the group to get started. The scoreline is set up to be ready for you to key in the score for hole1. There may be a slight delay before the 'Ready for Scores' comes up in the guidance line.
During this process, there is a line of text (the Guidance Line) beneath the scoreline that will show messages to keep you aware of the state and hopefully help guide you as to what must be done next.
There is a box is available for each hole and will hold 1 character (only). Valid characters are:
1 through 9
0 (for 10 or more) Note that 10 is the maximum allowed score in Gaffers play.
When you enter the character, it will automagically advance to the next box
The 'Out' box is to enter the 'front nine' subtotal; ('In' box for the 'back nine' subtotal). These are checked, not to see whether you can perform arithmetic, but to ensure that there was not an error entering one or more scores. Two digits entered here will check the scoring so far and alert you to any error with a message on the Guidance line (then auto advance to the next step).
If there is an error you will be restarted at the first hole of the 'nine' with the error in it. You can 'tab' over correct scores or re-enter what the correct score should be for each hole.
Once a 'In' total is checked and correct, the system will Save the player's score.
Once the 'In' sub-total is checked and correct, the round total is plugged in and another scoreline opens up showing the next player for a known group, or allowing you to select another player from your group. If the name is not one who played in the group this week, then select another name from the dropdown list.
Note: If your group decided to invoke Local Rule #1 - Adverse Weather, only enter scores for the holes you did complete then skip to the 'In' total box (tab over to it, or click on it) so that the holes you did not finish (#15 or higher, onwards) are blank. Enter the actual 'nine' total you made for the holes that were played so the system can check the keying.
The scoring system will calculate and plug in your allocated scores.
If you are in a regular group, the scoring system will normally have the names of the other players in the group pre-loaded and they will be automatically selected for the next section and you can enter scores for them.
If a player name is not supplied automatically or the player whose name is visible did not play that week, another one can be selected. Please do not enter a zero score line for an absent player, but instead select the next player. To select a different player, click the small triangle to the right hand side of the name box and scroll through the list to find their name.
If scores entered for players in the group include players who are drawn to play a match, the match pairing is shown and the scorer is given an opportunity to select a winner. If the match was not decided, leave the marker in the 'No Result Yet' circle. Otherwise select the circle (radio button) next to the winner and the result will be saved, an alert will show in the Match Play Tournament box.
When the Match Play event is underway, everytime a player's name shows up with a checked scoreline the system will check whether any of the players in this group are drawn as opponents in a Match Play (or Consolation Event) round. If so an additional block shows up alongside the 'Match Play is underway' block so the scorer can select a winner, if the round resulted in a winner.
If the match was not decided, leave the marker in the 'No Result Yet' circle. Otherwise select the circle (radio button) next to the winner and the result will be automatically saved, with a brief 'alert' showing in the Match Play Tournament box.
Note that the scoring system does not attempt to validate the Match result. As some players may sometimes conceed a hole in Match Play there is no way to guarantee that there was a result. Similarly, for some reason the players may have agreed not to play the event that day.
At any time a scoreline is complete, another button "Finished: Finalise Report" will also be visible. When you have finished entering all the scores for the players in your group this week, this is the button to press. The button is made visible after the first player's scores are entered because the system does not know whether you are entering scores for 1,2,3 or 4 players.
The button is below any possible matches so that you can visually check whether there are possible Match results to enter before selecting the button.
The 'report' block at the bottom of the window provides an up to date report of the status of the scoring effort.
When you select "Finished: Finalise Report" the contents of the status box at the bottom of the page will be copied to your PC clipboard, so if you want to share the scores with your colleagues you can just "paste" that into an email that you send to them.
An additional button will come into view labelled Finish: Open Active Week. When you click the button, it will exit the scoring system and take you to the latest score sheet and you can see that you entered the scores.
It is possible that another scorer entered scores for a player. If so, you will get an alert in the information line under the player and it will identify who previously entered the scores. If you do not know why there are other scores there, it is advisable to check with the player, the other scorer or Rick. You may continue and edit those scores (or confirm them by tabbing through them), select another player, or exit using the Cancel - Exit without Saving button.
This can be done to get scores entered for up to four players.