Tania makes a sock doll

Post date: Aug 27, 2014 8:03:01 AM

Tania made a sock doll today. She took out one of her old socks. Mama gave her some discarded bills and old news paper.

She tore up the paper in to little pieces and made crumpled little balls. Then she stuffed the top of the sock so it bulged out.

Once she thought it was sufficiently filled up to be the dolls head she used 2 cable ties about a centimetre apart to make the neck.

Then she stuffed the sock with more balls of paper to make the body. Mama cut the bottom of the sock down the middle.

Using a few rubber bands they made the legs. Tania had some sticks with her and she used rubber bands to attach them

on to the doll to make hands. You could use matchsticks with the heads cut off.

Tania used a white board marker to draw the hair, eyes, nose and mouth.