The Caterpillar And The Butterfly

Post date: Mar 15, 2017 4:36:23 AM

Eric the caterpillar

wandered around,

on the dark brown

muddy ground

He searched for more food,

but he could see none

He had eaten all the leaves,

every single one

He had become a

big, fat, slow chap

Oh, how he longed,

for a nice long nap

Just then,

a peppy butterfly,

singing a merry song,

whizzed by

Eric called out,

“Hello Butterfly!”

“How do you manage,

to fly so high?”

I am so drowsy

I need to sleep

I think I'll sleep,

For a couple of weeks

The butterfly sang

"Dear Eric you'll see,

in a couple of weeks,

you'll fly just like me."

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