Japan 1



(The Early Legendary Kings)


Izanagi no Kami & Izanami no Kami

Sky god and Underworld goddess, Mythical Creators of Japan


Amaterasu Ōmikami

Goddess of the Sun and Queen of Heaven

Born when Izanagi cleansed himself after fleeing the realm of Izanami


Masakaakatsukachihayabi Ame no Oshihomimi no Mikoto

Descended to rule Earth, but returned to Heaven as it was too chaotic


Amenigishi Kuninigishi Amatsuhidaka Hikoho no Ninigi no Mikoto

Descended to rule earth with the Imperial regalia (A Sword, a Mirror and a Jewel), supposedly held by the Imperial family to this day

m. Kamuatatsuhime / Kanohamasakuyahime (daughter of the Mountain god, Ōyamatsumi)



Mythical Hunter and ruler of Earth

m. Toyotamaotohime (daughter of the ocean god, Watatsumi)



Mythucal Ruler of Earth

m. Tamayoribime (daughter of the ocean god, Watatsumi)

They had issue, including:

Suizei Kamununakawamimi no Mikoto, Second Emperor of Japan and Great King of Yamato. He ruled from the Palace of Takaoka in Kazuraki. He married Kahamatabime no Mikoto, also called Isuzuyoribime ancestress/daughter of the Agata-Nushi of Shiki. He died at the age of 45 (Kojiki) or 84 (Nihonshoki) and was buried in Tsukida Kofun (a large mound, shaped from above, like a keyhole). He had issue:

Annei Shikitsuhikotamatamatemi no Mikoto, Third Emperor of Japan and Great King of Yamato. He ruled from the Palace of Ukiana in Katashiha. He married Kodaiko Akutohime, also called Nunasokonakatsu no Mikoto and Kawatsuhime, daughter of Agata-Nushi Hae, his mother's older brother. He died at the age of 49 years (Kojiki) or 57 (Nihonshoki) and was buried in the "genitals" (perhaps meaning a cave) of Mount Unebi. He had issue:

Itoku Ōyamatohikosukitomo no Mikoto, Fourth Emperor of Japan and Great King of Yamato. He ruled from the Palace of Sakahio or Magario in Karu. He married Futomahime no Mikoto, also called Amatoyotsuhime no Mikoto and Iihibime, daughter of an Agata-Nushi of Shiki called either Shiki no Otoite or Shiki no Futomawakahiko. He died at the age of 45 years and was buried in Manago Valley near Mount Unebi. He had issue:

Kōshō Mimatsuhikowakeshine no Mikoto, Fifth Emperor of Japan and Great King of Yamato. He ruled from the Palace of Sakahio in Karu. He married either Yosotaho no Mikoto or Oihime, daughter of Yamato no Toyoakisadao and sister of Okitsuyoso, ancestor of the Murajis of Ohari. He died at the age of 93 years and was buried on Mount Hakata at Waki no Kami. He had issue:

Kōan Ōyamatotarashi Hikokunioshibito no Mikoto, Sixth Emperor of Japan and Great King of Yamato. He ruled from the Palace of Akizushima in Muro. He married Oshikahime no Mikoto, his niece. He died at the age of 123 years and was buried in Tamade Kofun. He had issue:

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