Umayyad 6



(The Emirate of al-Andalus / Spain)


756 -788 `Abd ur-Raḥmān I ad-Dākhil ibn Mu`āwiyah al-Umawī, First Emir of al-Andalus. Born in 731 his future greatness was supposedly prophesied by his great-uncle Maslamah ibn `Abd il-Malik, but seemed unlikely when the Umayyad dynasty was overthrown by the `Abbasids in 750. Almost every member of his clan was massacred and he lived as a fugitive, heading west into the Maghreb, where `Abbasid power was non-existent. He took advantage of a civil war in al-Andalus (Spain) to seize power there, reigning as Emir (translating to lord or prince and entirely without the imperial implications of "Caliph"). Later in his reign he faced an invasion from Charlemagne, but it retreated and was defeated, as recorded in the Chanson de Roland. He married (second) Halul. He died in 788 but had issue, including:

788 - 796 Abūl-Walīd Hishām I ar-Raḍā ibn `Abd ir-Raḥmān al-Umawī, Second Emir of al-Andalus. Born in the 860's, after his father arrived in al-Andalus, he was the favourite son and thus succeeded his father despite also beignt he youngest. He faced several revolts from his brothers, but dealt with them. He was noted for his humility and piety. He died in 796. He had issue, including:

796 - 822 Al-Ḥakam I ibn Hishām al-Umawī, Third Emir of al-Andalus. Born in 770. He crushed a revolt of Islamic scholars and exiled them to Egypt, which did not help his reputation in the historical tradition (Mostly recorded by Islamic scholars). He died in 822, but had issue, including:

822 - 852 `Abd ur-Raḥmān II ibn Al-Ḥakam al-Umawī, Fourth Emir of al-Andalus. Born in 792 in Toledo. He visited Toledo in 807 (when he was 15), when rebellion was brewing and had thousands of the instigators executed as they came to pay homage to him. He acted as a general from 807 until his accession. His reign involved several wars with the Christians in the north and the construction of a navy to prevent Viking raids. He married, among others, Ṭarūb. He died in 852, but had issue, including:

852 - 886 Muḥammad I ibn `Abd ir-Raḥmān al-Umawī, Fifth Emir of al-Andalus. Born in 820. Before his accession he served as a General and Governor of the High March (Zaragoza). As Emir he struggled against rebellions- of the Banu Qasī in Zaragoza and of `Umar ibn Ḥafṣun in Southern Andalusia, but was unsuccessful and the Emirate essentially collapsed. He died in 886. He had issue, including:

886 - 888 Al-Mundhir ibn Muḥammad al-Umawī, Sixth Emir of al-Andalus. Born before 844. He had served as a general before his accession and, as Emir, led several campaigns against the various rebel groups in the Emirate, but failed to make much headway. He died at Bobastro, in 888, and may have been assassinated by his brother.

888 - 912 `Abdullāh ibn Muḥammad al-Umawī, Seventh Emir of al-Andalus. Born around 844. He displayed little interest in government and made little progress repairing the shattered Emirate. He was very paranoid and had several relatives, whom he suspected of plotting against him, murdered. He was also an Islamic Scholar. He married, among others, Onneca or Iñiga Fortuñez, daughter of Fortun Garces, King of Pamplona, who later married Aznar Sánchez and was, by him ancestor of the later Kings of Castille and Leon. He died in 912, but had issue, including: