Hash Song Hymnals


Folks, we will be a little bit more progressive and "woke" than you might be used to, because we're firmly of the opinion that you can be funny without being an asshole, and that it is appropriate to "punch up" in humor - but never to punch down.

Punching up means making fun of the system, of the majority, of those in power. Punching down means continuing to perpetuate the abuses of power that lead to systemic inequity.

Songs that use racial slurs or epitaphs will not be tolerated.

Songs that make fun of someone for being lesser or different are not going to be tolerated.

Songs that glorify rape or violations of consent will not be tolerated.

If you sing a song that is objectionable, you'll be politely reminded of the policy. If you refuse to acknowledge this policy, or if you argue with misman, you will be regarded as unruly, and worse, uncool. Don't be an asshole, please.

Changes to the Ballad of Jed Hillbilly

We've removed a lyric from the Ballad. You are no longer welcome to shout "white flour" during our circles, because that humor is based on the idea that white power is funny. BUT IT IS NOT FUNNY AND IS NOT WELCOME HERE.

Instead, please insert a lyric of your choice.

Hash Hymnals