Hash Trash - Trail 67

Hash No: #67 Silence of the Lambs Theme - I Can Smell Your C&nt!! -

Date: June 6, 2010

Hares: Gutter Balls, NFHN Blake, Sizzle Sac, and Wreath Around

Greetings Y’all,

My oh my! what a fantastic trail this was… from what I remember at least. I will attempt to tell the story of this trail from the bits and pieces I remember and from what I had heard a few days later.

It was a lovely day outside the apartment complex of Wreath Arounds Fabulous friends place. The sky was blue and was hot enough that if someone saw you chugging a beer they would say it was for thirst and not because you were a red necked Hillbilly.

Many a hasher this day arrived early brining lots of prelube goodies to be shared by all. Fat Boy Slim and his whatever she is Patent Pounding brought lunch boxes full of beer and Herpicles brought some nasty concoction of hate mixed with hare sweat. He redeemed himself by bringing a cooler full of Guinness so all was forgiven.

The majority of the booze was finished before our lovely beermeister arrived to refill our hands with frosty cool beverages so we could continue in our trade. We had a few new cumers this Sunday including NFHN Gene a.k.a Pecan Tan a.k.a White Women Hunter. To offset his ugly ass I think it was NFHN Scott brought his wife or girl friend NFHN Megan who thought she was Paris Hilton wearing two 20 meter dishes as sun glasses.

Apparently only I Can Toona A Piano But I Can't Find Your Dick and Passion of the Dumbass knew this was a themed hash around Silence of the Lambs and they dressed up as lambs. I still incest they were clouds but nobody was listening to me because I was drunk. Lots of people also brought food based around the movie. I wasn’t around for it but I am sure my Sloppy Joes were awesome.

Eventually the party had to end and we circled up for some directions and we were off running, well some of us at least. NFHN Raff and Herpicles were walking together talking about how to properly seduce a women while NFHN Jess was trying to add a notch to Pecan Tan’s bed post. Herpicles decided one beer for trail wasn’t enough so he brought two more tucked in his Toga for an emergency.

Trail was clearly marked with delicious bloody tampons that lead us like beacons in the night to booze. Or like those signs that are all neon and say Nudes Nudes Nudes. I heard Sizzle Sac’s mom has one over her bedroom door. But I digress the first shot check was along a railroad track and contained I think beer and something else.

The second shot check was a container of Bloody Mary in which Herpicles chugged a whole cup and then went stumbling along with the jug in hand with the other hashers in tow.

Circle was a blur and I am sure the violations were hilarious. Apparently someone got naked and was hopping around circle but we cannot be sure. I think a small pine was killed and we believe the neighbors threatened to call the police because some guy was being loud and vomiting in the parking lot.

That was trail and fun was had by all:

Things we learned:

Gay people don’t like vomit

Danny Bonadouchebag is an enigma wrapped in a turd


Y’all come back for the next trail now ya hare