Hash Trash - Trail 62

Hash No: #62 - Yo' Mama's Hash (Mammaries & Mothers)

Date: May 09, 2010

Location: Harpers Ferry Area, VA

Hares: Spitz and Pyro

Greetings Y’all,

Hills, rocks, and shiggy for your mothers on this trail hosted by Spitz and Pyro on mothers day. Because his mother was probably in the kitchen like a good women baking pies he had a shortage of white flour. Because of this we didn’t see any white flour for a good 100 yards after each intersection making finding trail interesting and tiresome.

To make matters worse it was a very cold day to be hashing and everyone decided to bring along their pooches which didn’t get along very well. One of Postage Stamps dogs kept on trying to ass slam Pogue who just hid between Loose Changes Legs. Loose was too busy looking like a horses ass wrapped up in a horse blanket to take notice or care. We later found out what Postage Stamps dog was after when it ate a big steamy pile of crap. We also learned his daddy loves kisses.

NFHN Nate joined us for this trail again and was seen drinking out of a Chinese food box which is appropriate because his girlfriend is Chinese so he claims.

On trail we encountered lots of pretty Butterflies, some big piles of poop, and All The Way In running trail No No style because he got lost. Trail was so bad many people did it Iditarod style using the dogs to pull them up hills. Pogue however decided he had enough of that shit and caused Herpicles to twist his ankle yet again.

On about mile 6 of trail we found a red On On flag about across a field of dreams in which Sour Snatch My Rubber Back, Loose Change, and Herpicles frolicked across to discover this was not the end but just the halfway point.

As soon as the majority of the pack arrived Pyro and Spitz.com decided this would be a good time to have a domestic dispute about “What the fuck you doing”. It was the most uncomfortable beer check we have been at since the previous weeks.

After we arrived at the on in which was another 3 miles away we were greeted with a roaring fire to warm our boners and cook out meat upon. Bad Dog toasted his buns and Sour Snatch My Rubber Back put All The Way Ins weenie on a stick. Shit got hot if you catch my drift.

Things we learned:

Buttsucker gives scary blow jobs

Hangman loves a women with a grill

A Warren by any other name is a Paul

Y’all come back for the next trail now ya hare