Hash Trash - Trail 64

Hash No: #64 - Dark Side - Part Duh!

Date: May 09, 2010

Hares: All The Way In, Hangman, and Sour Snatch My Rubber Back

Greetings Y’all,

The dark side of the moon is a miserable place just like this trail. The only difference is this dark side of the moon was very very wet and I am not talking about the booze which was plentiful and delicious.

The schlep from Hillbilly country to Harpers Ferry was quite a drive but it was pleasant with the site of lots of shiggy and country folk. We passed many BBQ joints on the side of the road and many many pickup trucks signifying that this would be a hash to remember.

The descent to hangmans place was treacherous depending on your mode of transportation. The road was full of loose stones, mud, holes, and a man on the side of the road handing out his business cards for a tow truck reading see ya later citay slicka.

When we finally arrived at the camp site we were greeted with a light drizzle but that didn’t stop us from drinking and partying after we had setup our tents. The next order of business after a few beers was to inflate our inflatables. We had a wide range of flotation devices ranging from the practical inner tube to the not so practical blow up smiling penis. We also had an inverted caterpillar that met a tragic end before ever seeing service.

After everything was setup we held a short circle and we were off gallivanting around the woods in a drunken state of confusion. We had some killer water crossing that were both fun and bone breaking with many spills and laughing at those spills. We went up hills and then back down those hills. We even went through a field of wheat I think or maybe it was barley, whatever it was it really itched and was full of ticks.

Shortly after the field we came upon our first beer check, but Oh no! we were missing Loose Change and M-I-C Och Shoots Blanks. So being the heroes that they are Herpicles, NFHN Paul, and NFHN Raff went running off into the woods to go find them. Just like a movie as soon as they departed on this special missions it started to pour and the sun went down.

These poor band of brothers spent a good 30 minutes searching for our wayward hashers and turned up nothing. At this point it was now bitch black, cold, and wet. To make matter worse they only had one head lamp between the three of them. After much stumbling and falling through the woods they finally made it to a river crossing with a true trail arrow. This was quite a swim for the three in the middle of the night with the pouring rain but they triumphed only to find they had no idea where they were. Luckily NFHN Paul saw us singling on the other side with our flash lights and came to investigate. He embraced us all in a hug and led us to safety.

We later learned that Loose Change and M-I-C Och Shoots Blanks took a shortcut and arrived back at start way before the rest of the pack easing our worrying but not our misery of being cold and wet. It was even worse to find out that the fire was a good 90 yards away from the tents. What the F was that about? Despite all this cold rain people were hot or just delirious from drinking too much river water and decided to get naked under a tarp and drink to all hours of the night in the pouring rain.

The fun was a little too much for Herpicles and Stoopid Yogurt Bush who got the hell out of dodge and floored it up the muddy mountain as not to get stuck flinging mud all over any nearby object. They reportedly had a lovely warm evening once they arrived home.

No idea if circle was to be had or violations but it was a memorable hash.

Y’all come back for the next trail now ya hare