Hash Trash - Trail 530

Hash Trash Trail #530

Manassas National Battlefield Park.

Custer and Cornole

The dawning of the day of Hillbilly trail 530 was sunny and spectacular for 18 harriers and 2 hares, Fire in the Cornhole and Soft Serve Custer. Anyone who knows those two knows we were in for a spectacularly shiggy trail! Marks were expertly laid, even though Custer was half crippled and in a boot, runners got most of their distance on checkbacks, which is a great strategy for laying one trail for both walkers and runners. We traversed field and forest, plain and pine bluff, hill and dale ( There weren’t many hills to speak of and I don’t know if I have ever encountered a dale). This was all shiggy, no pavement, in true Hillbilly style. We found both beer checks and the smurfy shot check, albeit finding trail again after first beer check took a little time.

Circle got a little confusing, maybe because I was anticipating the grilled veggie burgers and pile of veggies steaming in foil, sorry, can’t comment on the non vegan food, but I am sure it was great. I may have also been too fond of those new strawberry lemonade Natty Light things that seem to be all the rage with the kids now. I do recall that Queerly not only wore brand new shoes, but volunteered the info immediately after signing in. He is setting a bad example for Just Julie, to whom we honestly pledge a virgin toe tag, as soon as the lazy Haberdasher gets off of her ass and finds (makes?) one. Queerly naturally drank from his shoe. Laserpuss is stepping up to her RA duties quite impressively, though in true hash style we were all confused with who was a long time no seer, which was actually Laserpuss herself. I am sure that there are more violations that I missed, I need to step up my game too and try to jog my old fuzzy brain better for these tales of trail…

All in all, a truly memorable and gorgeous trail, and thanks to all y’all who kindly came back now, ya hear?