Hash Trash - Trail 524

Hash Trash: Trail #524 - HILLBILLY IS BACK!

The resurrection trail of Hillbilly H3 was a nod to past and present! From Soft Serve Custer and his mystery hare (Fire in the Corn Hole? Who would have guessed!?) laying a shiggytastic trail up the side of the mountain, trying to kill everyone in the first 10 minutes, to our fearless RA, Laserpuss, keeping up the Sisters’ tradition of never leaving camp, we were definitely in Hillbilly Country. As evidenced by the Social of bleeding hashers at End Circle, there were not enough thorns, mud, or precariously balanced rocks to stop us from reaching that delicious beer…unless you were one of the lazy wankers that didn’t want to scale the death cliffs to Beer Check. And sorry, latecomers, blame Frosty the Blowman for being a racist with that 50 pound back pack of beer. Keeping with tradition, Dr. Strangelove arrived long after the pack departed but somehow made it in just after FRB (Frosty) and FBI (Kitchen), with Pyro and Foreskin Filly, NEIGH keeping everyone waiting as DFLs.

There were many violations and announcements, but this scribe wasn’t drunk enough to remember. Have tales from trail? Submit them to Jed or your scribes Super Woman With Ass and Testicles (SWWAT) and Everything but the Kitchen Sink and see your dumb shit in print next time! Thanks to everyone who came out to support this new chapter in the Hillbilly An(n)als and welcomed the new MM. Don’t forget that trails will now be running twice a month.