By Morriah Kaplan
each member will do their part. To be an ally, solidarity means trusting those who know their needs best and following suit, subjugating personal gain or personal ego to the collective outcome.
By choosing not to place his trust in God, Moses essentially crossed the picket line. He said: this isn't working out, I don't trust your leadership, and I don't trust you to protect and provide for us. By thinking he knew best, Moses betrayed the collective agreement he'd forged with God to lead the Israelites to Canaan and protect them along the way.
As a youth movement, we have to trust in one another as well. We trust each other when we form a kupa together, we put our trust in our partners at other machanot to educate towards the same goals as us, and we have to trust our fellow tzevet members in order to function well together.
After a long Construction, not to mention months of waiting and waiting for the summer to arrive, wandering through the desert of our jobs and school years, we have arrived at the threshold of the Promised Land. Like me, maybe you're not going to machaneh, and the Promised Land represents something else - some kind of transition, a project coming to an end, or maybe just the promise of summer itself. Though we may be tired and anxious, we need to internalize the lesson that Moses learned the hard way - we need to trust each other to protect and provide for one another. We must not lose faith and cross the picket line, determined to charge ahead alone. Only by maintaining trust in one another can we achieve the revolutionary goals we seek together.