By Toviah Botwinik

Hey! Got a double serving (that’s a super size, if you’re lovin’ it) for ya’ll this week. If you ever wondered why we have two khalot (חלות) on shabat, it’s cause in the desert, the Jewish people picked an extra helping of mana on Friday, so they didn’t need to pick on shabbat!

Bekhukotay (בחוקותי) is the continuation of the Behar, and continues to tell about ownership and redemption of property! This time, the property is Jewish slaves: Basically, Jewish slaves go free after the jubilee year, and so the sale of a Jewish slave to a include an extra fee to the original master for every year until the jubilee year, when they are freed, redemption or not. Next, environmental issues with the land:

I have always found that the commandment (מצוה) of letting your fields rest on the shemita year very relevant, on many levels.

1. Crop rotation

the simple farming technique of moving crops around so the nutrients can be replenished in the soil

2. Allowing time off to enjoy things in life

I always find going to makhane (Galil - מחנה גליל) to be a time to reflect and be in touch with people and aspects of myself that are not accessed during the year. Also, I really like the idea of the summer as a shabat from the year.

3. Pastoral escape in sub/urban America

While the idea of time off in nature (such as at makhane) is nice, it comes as a necessity through our increased attachment to the city and suburban life. Part of me thrives in the bustle of the city, but part of me wants to run free in the Appalachians.

4. Global climate change

As our comrades in California could tell us, the side effects of prolonged apathy for the world in which we live

are finally becoming apparent. The fifth aliya in the parasha tells of “disease, famine, enemy occupation of the land, exile, and desolation of the land” if we do not let the land rest. Though today we are not worrying about the nutrients in our crops as much as the holes we are putting in the ozone layer and what we’re doing in the ground. We have to let the land rest!

Shavuot (שבועות) is coming up in about a week! Hug cows/goats and read this!