The Southwest FYMA-fest dates are set!

The 2019 FYMA Cup Champion smokes his second shot during winter workouts.


Finally, it's been decided. That most anticipated week of the year...FYMA Cup! The 2020 edition of our annual golf pilgrimage will take place January 19-25 in the Southwest Desert just outside Scottsdale, AZ.

After a lengthy 'price versus golf location and experience' discussion, ASSTD and myself made a final determination to play both Troon North and We-Ko-Pa. If we dropped We-Ko-Pa, we could save about $106 playing a much lower quality pair of courses. However, we have never played WKP and both of their courses are ranked in the Top 50 in the U.S. Dropping Troon and keeping WKP makes no sense, as we would only save $70. Troon is best deal we've got. In summary for 4 rounds of great golf, plus Monday on the cheap, it is only $160 more to WKP and Troon than if we play all five days on the cheap. Our House is cheaper than last year, which offsets some of higher costs of golf. If my math makes no sense - excellent, objective met.

In short, golf is damn expensive this time of year and you are playing 4 courses ranked in the top 50 in the country; an experience worth the extra $160. With tax, we will pay $951 for 5 rounds versus $790 for golf that's not much better than your home courses.

Brown bag it to work 16 times or make Sazeracs at home, or lay off the craft beer at Applebee’s, or give wife the gift that keeps giving the whole year this Christmas. Whatever works for ya, but it’s the F’ng FYMA Cup baby!

This year's Cup will bring new options for the week long test of wills and skills. A fifth day of optional golf returns; will it be a time to sharpen your skills or will it just extend the FYMA grind (Clarkie bring your back pills). An additional Top Golf venture on Sunday is not out of the question either. So get your collective asses to Scottsdale for NFL Conference Championship weekend. The AFC Championship starts at approx 1pm local, NFC at 4pm. Practice round is scheduled for Monday, 20 January with official FYMA Cup Tournament rounds running from 21-24 Jan.

Travel dates:

Arrive on either 19 or 20 January

Depart on 25 January

PK- You have been awarded the coveted Suppo & Transpo Director position. We need a 15 passenger rental van (May need to remove back row; easy job with Clarke’s tools- have him ship) and initial booze/food pick up. ASSTD and I will provide list based on historical usage and I can assist with rental coordination as needed. Job well earned!

It's the FYMA Cup, not the Catalina Wine Mixer, so get your priorities straight and get those flights booked! It's on!

TD Sends


The Itinerary:

Optional Travel Day - Sunday, 19 January (House will be available)

NFL Conference Championship Weekend (Possible Top Golf) - Someone explain this to Ant.

1pm - AFC Championship

4pm - NFC Championship

100% chance Fratt's teams will win and he will have a dilemma for the Super Bowl.


Required arrival: Monday, 20 January

Try to arrive in groups. The airport is approximately 45 minutes from the airport. We have a van, but stragglers will be required to Uber or Lyft it.

Day - 0 Bonus Round for early arrival:

~10am - Course TBD - $120-$140


Day 1 - Tuesday, 21 January:

Troon North, Course TBD - $170

First Tee Time at 10 am (approx)

Depart house 9:00am - 12 min drive.


Day 2 - Wednesday, 22 January:

Troon North, Course TBD - $170

First Tee Time at 10 am (approx)

Depart house 9:00am - 12 min drive.


Day 3 - Thursday, 23 January:

We-Ko-Pa Golf, Course TBD - $200

First Tee Time at 10 am (approx)

Depart house 830 am - 30 min drive.


Day 4 - Friday, 24 January:

We-Ko-Pa Golf, Course TBD - $200

First Tee Time at 10 am (approx)

Depart house 830 am - 30 min drive.


Travel Day- Saturday, 25 January: (check out by 1100).


The Numbers

Costs per person with 10-12:

House: $650 ($150/night for those not staying the entire week)

Golf: $900

Food/booze: est $250- based on annual average

Rental Van/gas: $40-50

Lunch on course: $60

Total: $1700-$1900/person + flights


The Logistics

The House is about 45 minutes from airport and PK will have a 15 pax van ready to go. Hopefully, you chuckleheads arrive close to each other. We plan to have at least one van run. If you haven’t made flights, plan for an arrival no later than 1pm (earlier is better). We expect an early check in (Thanks to TD's magic). If we can't check in early, Top Golf for the 1st game and a golf warm up. If your arrival is later, you may have to Uber.

The Duties:

Vis: - Tournament Director (TD). He was born for this and it now has consumed him entirely. Final authority on all rulings, movie choices, new handicap rules, and inter-tournament skirmishes.

Mudro - Assistant TD (ASS TD). Prior to approaching TD, all complaints, gripes, or whining will be approved first through Mudro. He will decide whether or not it deserves my attention, but plan on it going completely ignored. ASS TD is also the web site developer and collector of all arrival/departure times. A single van run this year (maybe)- so add extra funds in your phone for Uber. Apparel requests also go through ASS TD and if you want a shirt, Yeti, or banana hammock let him know ASAP as he has complete approval to decide and charge as he needs to. He also will determine pairings for the week, which will be approved by the TD.

G - Tourney Official- recheck Mudro handicaps and screw Fratt accordingly. Monday night you will have opportunity to bribe G-money, but all bribe amounts will be approved by me with a 20% TD cut. G will also validate and post scores/leader board nightly.

PK – Is our local FYMA host and newly appointed SuppO and Transpo Director. Once all assignments are handed out, Director shall send all supply lists, booze requests, and arrival/departure times to PK. Make sure you make it as hard as you can for him since he will be unable to get wrecked in flight and during layovers this year.

Further assignments will be issued once it is known who is coming.

The Menus

No cooking competition, but we will partner up with 3 cooking each night.

Team format: Check back for assignments. Teams will be responsible for submitting shopping lists, cooking and clean up on their assigned day. All proteins/dinners up for change and based on chefs' choices, so get your lists to PK. Also need easy breakfast list. If you cook better with someone else- check with ASS TD for approval.

Sunday night: Burgers - probably easier just to throw some burgers on grill. Everyone can help out.

Monday: TBD

Tuesday: TBD

Wednesday: TBD

Thursday: TBD

Friday: Pizza, like the last two years.