It's Cup Time!


It is time for your FYMA Cup. As I will be running errands tomorrow, this will be my last message before the Showdown as I will not have connectivity from the home office. I will be completing final supply runs Friday and Saturday. If you have requests- hit up the text string or pass along to ASS TD- if you know my personal email- forget it but, hopefully Cheri will let me know you sent.

So, groove your wedges and polish the shoes cause in three days it's time to let reality lose and live in the fantastic fantasy world that is your FYMA Cup. The one week of the year where you get what you want in a world not tarnished by nagging home projects or work requests...where life makes sense as you slip into the warm embrace of Jerry and Tito. Balls will be hit thin and fat, turf will fly, and profanity slung as your Cup partners bust your chops both on the course and during evening soaks. What more could you possibly want? I am at a loss for words as tears of joy stream down my face- it’s the F'ng FYMA Cup boys!

TD Sends