Mobile Assisted Language Learning Special Interest Group


Welcome to the EUROCALL Special Interest Group on Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL SIG)!

Why have a SIG on MALL?

The field of Mobile Assisted Language Learning is an approach to language learning that is based upon the use of mobile devices (such as smartphones using IOS or Android, and tablets). MALL combines mobile learning with computer assisted language learning. It has gained popularity in the last few years due to our hectic and mobile lifestyle and the widespread adoption of mobile telecommunications and computing devices with Internet connection.

MALL offers a way to access learning materials and to interact with teachers and peers, transcending place and time boundaries in a way that has never been possible until now. As such, language learning has been made more approachable than ever. It can be incorporated into all modalities of education: secondary, tertiary, informal, online, blended, etc. However, MALL involves much more than flexible resource access and an easy way to shorten distances between learners. Researchers are designing and implementing techniques that maximize the many benefits of these new devices (which include the incorporation of usage context as a significant learning element, the diversification of learning programs, the possibility of real-time collaboration, large scale social interaction, scaffolding learning activities with realistic audio-visual support, etc.).

With the evolvement of these lines of research and of the technological sophistication of the devices themselves (including the speed and reliability of Internet access from them), MALL will continue to become more popular and hence more relevant for people wishing to undertake language learning. A EUROCALL SIG in this field provides a forum for following these tendencies, sharing the research being undertaken, and reflecting together upon the present and future of the field.

What are the objectives of this SIG?

  • Gather information on work in progress, projects, apps and related products of members of the SIG and disseminate it via this wiki.

  • Enable members to share information on courses, seminars, congresses, etc. and publications.

  • Promote online academic debate about MALL in a flexible way.

  • Organise periodical workshops and symposia for exchanging experiences and ideas.

  • Encourage invitations for members of the group to visit each other's institutions with a view to developing collaboration.

  • Develop jointly funded projects.

What are the SIG’s activities?

  • Share information with other members on recent developments in MALL and maintain a key bibliography.

  • Provide an updated list of apps for MALL on different devices and operating systems.

  • Administer a Facebook page, Instagram account, and a Twitter account (@mallsig_ec) to share MALL-related events and news.

  • Organise workshops and/or symposia at EUROCALL conferences and similar events.

  • Coordinate regional workshops in members' home institutions that would enable members to disseminate EUROCALL's MALL work.

  • Coordinate specialised publications in the field of MALL.

  • Establish links with other organisations' SIGs working in related areas.

How to get started in this SIG

Please note that in order to belong to this SIG you must be a EUROCALL member. You can find out how to become a member here ( Once you are a member of EUROCALL, you can join us here for free! What follows is a brief list of steps to get you started:

  1. Request by email to the Co-Chairs to be added to the Wiki page.

  2. Send your name, contact details and research interests to the Secretary so that your information is displayed on the Members page on this wiki.

  3. Follow us on Twitter , Instagram and Facebook and share any research information related to you on Facebook, Twitter and on the Wiki. If we all do this on a regular basis, we can build up a useful repository for the members of this SIG (e.g upcoming conferences, relevant research, your publications on MALL, etc.)

Structure of this site

On this wiki you can find information about the MALL SIG (with a link to the EUROCALL Web when this is finished), specifically:




