
...with the East Bay Smith Club

Join our Facebook Group! Comment on posts to let us know what you think and join in the conversation with other alums.

...with Bay Area Young Alums

If you've graduated in the last 10 years (or so), you should get connected with the lively group of young alumnae who call the Bay Area home! Join the Smith Young Alum Bay Area Facebook Group and introduce yourself!

...with the local community as a volunteer

One of many ways to fulfill our role as ambassadors of Smith College is to participate and be seen in our local community. If you have ideas or are want to coordinate an event, please us at

...with future students

Linda Grayman '68 ( is our Alumnae Admissions Coordinator. If you are interested in helping out with interviewing prospective students, representing Smith at college fairs, or serving as a contact for a high school, please email Linda. Northampton is a long way away, so having a local face to put on the college is an important asset in recruiting good candidates. Young alums are especially useful, since they can provide insights into the current Smith experience. See the annual report archive for an account of past recruiting efforts and success!

...with the Alum Association

AASC (Alum Association of Smith College) Website