Smith Lawyers Networking Tea

Post date: Mar 19, 2012 8:59:52 PM

March 25th 3-5 pm. Smith lawyers in the greater Bay Area are cordially invited to a Smith Lawyers Networking Tea hosted by Marsha Cohen ’68.

These are challenging times, particularly for those who are entering or re-entering the legal profession, or looking for a change of direction. Thus it seemed a very opportune time for all of us in the profession, and all the Smith alum law students in the Bay Area, to get together to meet each other, and perhaps some help to each other will arise from those meetings. At the very least we’ll have the opportunity for a few hours of conversation (and, of course, food and drink). (Perhaps someone will be inspired to renew the periodic Smith lawyerr dinners of about a decade ago – one volunteer created that tradition and kept it going until she moved elsewhere.)

RSVP to Marsha Cohen '68 or 415.565.4676 (so she knows how much tea to brew … and coffee … and wine).

The address is 2201 Lyon Street, San Francisco, between Jackson and Pacific. Parking is unusually easy for the city; the #3 and #43 buses stop a block away; the more frequent #1 California bus is 4 blocks away.