25th Anniversary Book Club Meeting

Post date: Mar 07, 2019 9:51:59 PM

Eleven East Bay Smithies, representing an almost sixty year-span of graduation years, gathered at the Oakland home of Sherrill Lavagnino for our 25th Anniversary book club meeting on March 7, 2019. The book club first met on March 30, 1994, inspired by an idea generated at the EBSC fall potluck. Several women present at the 25th anniversary meeting had been coming to meetings since 1994, and they shared fond memories from the club's past, such as how they would invite people to meetings via US post in the days before the internet. Sherrill made an incredible book-shaped lemon cake that attendees enjoyed as several toasts were made, to the people who keep our club running - meeting hosts and especially our coordinator, Karen Bardsley - and to past members of our club who are now departed. Afterwards we enjoyed lively discussion of this month's choice, Sing, Unburied, Sing by Jesmyn Ward. Read a summary of our discussion on our book club blog. At the end of the meeting, attendees each contributed $5 to support the college's Mary E. Wilson Scholarship Fund, a tradition that raises about $500 for the fund each year. More information about the EBSC Book Club can be found on our book club webpage.