Water for a Changing World (faculty visit in SF)

Post date: Nov 30, 2011 3:9:15 PM

What: Faculty Visit: Water for a Changing World (By Smith College Club of San Francisco and Marin)

When: Sunday, December 4, 2011

Where: Hamilton Recreation Center

Time: 6:00pm until 9:00pm

Contact: susan.norris@gmail.com or amyzeng1987@gmail.com


Engineering Professor Drew Guswa will speak about water for a changing world. Open to friends and family, so please feel free to extend to invitation to all who are interested.

In today's world, we face many water-related challenges: providing clean water and sanitation, protecting ecosystems, and securing food, especially in developing parts of the world. How do we achieve these goals for a growing population and a changing climate? How do we prepare our students to tackle such complex societal issues? This talk will address hydrology and water resources in the US and globally, the potential impacts of climate change, and highlight some of my research and work with students.