February 2009: The Two-Income Trap (Warren & Tyagi)

Post date: Jan 07, 2010 10:47:49 PM

February 18, 2009, was the first of our three economics-themed discussions. From 1946 to 2006 (though no representatives from the '70's), readers found The Two-Income Trap: Why Middle-Class Mothers and Fathers Are Going Broke, by Elizabeth Warren and her daughter Amelia Warren Tyagi eye-opening, depressing, and a wake-up call.

A professor at Harvard Law School, Warren has been in the news lately, as she chairs the oversight panel appointed by Congress to monitor the spending of the $700 billion bailout money. We, too, would like to know what the banks have done with "our" money! Several readers had seen, heard, or read recent interviews with Elizabeth Warren.

We talked about living frugally, the American independent-spirit, and of course a sprinkling of political commentary. (The discussion was quite interesting, despite this lack-luster write-up!)

Tip: Reminder to check your free credit report at www.annualcreditreport.com. Catherine recommends checking one agency every 4 months, as they tend to overlap information. There are 3 agencies so that's once a year free per agency.

Thanks to Betsey for hosting!

Related links: Rachel Maddow interview with Elizabeth Warren (or read the transcript of the interview)