May 2008: The Audacity of Hope (Obama)

Post date: Jan 07, 2010 10:22:45 PM

Ruth worried that we would melt in our books during the heat wave on May 15th, but instead we were able to comfortably sit out on her deck into the warm evening, many of us in sandals and sundresses. Ten of us from classes 1947-95 talked about the content and import of Barack Obama's The Audacity of Hope, as well, of course, as our thoughts on how his future and that of our country may influence each other. Older alums talked about what the party conventions were like many years ago, when the candidates were not elected ahead of time as now typically happens through the primaries.

We debated the hot topic of whether voters are more likely to elect a woman president or a black president, and several readers shared their ambivalence about supporting Clinton because she is a strong woman contender, yet allowing that Obama has a freshness that we may all need.

We enjoyed Obama's writing and the clarity with which he expressed his ideas, and admired his statesman-like quality which was so evident in his speech on race.

A More Perfect Union - Watch Barack's speech on race in America and building a more perfect union. (37 minutes)

Barack Obama's Speech on Race - The text as prepared for delivery of Senator Barack Obama’s speech on race in Philadelphia, as provided by his presidential campaign March 18, 2008.

Several readers had read Dreams of My Father as well, and appreciated the content and delivery of each. We wish we had a book of Clinton's to read that would provide as much insight into her politics and policy ideas!

Thank you, Ruth, for hosting!