May 2016: Chasing Che (Symmes)

Post date: May 28, 2016 5:7:43 PM

A small and enthusiastic group met on May 11 at Nancy's to discuss Patrick Symmes’ book, Chasing Che. Overall, the group found the book, which was written by Deebie’s brother, interesting, informative and easy to read, giving a good sense of the motorcycle journey and his overall experience in following the path of Che Guevara. Everyone agreed that the attitude of the writer was a positive change from that of the writer of last month’s book, also set primarily in South America. Several people commented on the physical difficulties that the writer encountered and “endured”….riding a motorcycle for so many hours at a time, sleeping “rough,” eating what he could, often fed by locals.

The group was also interested in learning more about Che Guevara. Most were surprised that he was a medical doctor. Then, of course, there were questions about what led him to Cuba and beyond. At this point Deebie called her brother, and he answered questions by telephone. A lot of the discussion with him centered around Cuba, as he was in Cuba during President Obama’s recent visit. The book, The Last American in Cuba, was recommended.

(write-up by Nancy & Jane)