March 2006: Vineland (Pynchon)

Post date: Jan 07, 2010 8:36:20 PM

We met March 30, 2006 at Betsey Warrick's lovely abode and discussed Thomas Pynchon's Vineland. Discussions centered around the themes, characters, plot, setting, usual literary stuff. Wide range of opinions and emotions about the book, with some people intrigued and others unengaged by his writing style. Thanks to Jean Lusson for suggesting the following web site to learn more about Pynchon:

Thanks Mary for this funny quotation explaining what the book is about -- copied without punctuation, as written!

Vineland plot-summary

Feminist film collective 24fps covers a college revolution led by Weed Frenesi falls for fascist Brock because of her genetic weakness for uniforms Brock asks her to set up Weed's murder, she goes along for no good reason Fleeing Brock, Frenesi marries Zoyd completely at random, Prairie born Fleeing Zoyd, Frenesi marries Fletch(?) settles into life as gov't informant Brock entraps Zoyd with pot-bale, releases him (why?) as a welfare-loony DL enlisted by Ralph to kill Brock, attacks Takeshi by mistake -> partners [Uneventful years?] Frenesi freed from gov't obligations due to budget cuts Brock mounts final revenge campaign (why?), seizes Zoyd's home Prairie meets DL, learns Frenesi's story Prairie and Frenesi reunited in Vineland (w/Sasha and Zoyd, etc) Brock's try at abducting Prairie interrupted by Reagan's serendipitous order Prairie, too, is smitten by Brock's fascism, even as her family is reunited