

A. Yagodin. Haifa Earthquake Prediction Laboratory

The author is grateful for the research assistance provided by:

Dr. M. Goldenberg, Dr. E.G. Mirmovich, Dr. Mavrodiev, N. Barskaya, D.A. Yagodin, E.A. Yagodin;

as well as for the financial assistance in establishing the station provided by:

M. Cherny Fund and R. Lesovsky legal office.

In his research article about tectonic activity of the Earth and the Moon, the astrophysicist N.A. Kozyrev presented the existence of interaction between tectonic processes on the Earth and the Moon:

1. The existence of tidal effect triggering mechanism via gravitational impact on the Earth and the Moon.

2. The existence of direct causal relation of tectonic processes on the Earth and the Moon.

The author hereby presents the causal connection of the Earth and the Moon tectonic activities with the development of future earthquake epicenters.

"The Earth and the Moon form the bodily system under the strong tidal, i.e. gravitational mutual impact."

N.A. Kozyrev

The author established the gravitational seismic wave monitoring station in Haifa laboratory.

The major effect on the output signals of the sensors developed by the author was caused by the seismic and gravitational vibrations within the infrasound range. The diagram looked similar to the special seismic data set. However, the seismic vibrations themselves did not reflect the peaks on records. The peaks spotted by this sensor reflected the time, amplitude and shape of KaY-wave front peak, discovered by the author.

During the researches the durations of one-hour to two-day periods were marked by the author. Within these durations the author had observed the continuous peak movements with the periods of 2.5 seconds and more. These were the peaks marked by defined high-Q frequencies, whereas there were the continuous noise sections as well, making it hard to identify specific frequencies. Further to the author's observation, the approximate distance to splits and epicenters tied to these peaks does not exceed 1500 km.

Examining the Ka-Y waves approaching the future earthquake epicenter, the author found that the shape of the peak warning the future shake depends on the future earthquake epicenter morphology.

It is known that the isotropic earth decaying harmonic signal looks as follows:

Peak time oscillation depends on the sensor resonance frequency, while the angle of the following peak amplitude contraction in relation to the previous one is the coefficient of attenuation which is generally an exponent.

However, the complementary function of the amplitude versus frequency response characteristic from the peak start is added to the real signal thereof. As a result, we see the oscilloscope display defining the connection of the peak shape to the complementary function conditions, distorting thereby the ideal display.

Typical KaY-wave peak oscilloscope displays with future earthquake epicenters in specific areas are shown in the picture.

In the displays you may notice that the peak shape depends on either presence or absence of the aqueous environment in the area of the future epicenter.

The areas of the peak amplitude dropping that are not connected with the time attenuation match the epicenter area in the aqueous environment.

The sectors marked by the amplitude rising are those between the future earthquake epicenter and the station location.

It is possible that the wave development (as well as the peak amplitude thereof) is also formed by the surface wave drowning in the aqueous environment.

The frontal peak deformation tied to the epicenter location in the gulf is seen in the oscillation display.

(Please note, that it is not an earthquake peak. These are the KaY-waves of the peak recorded by the Haifa station sensor 27 hours prior to the earthquake which took place in the Gulf of Aden, 2700 km from Haifa).

Yet, the KaY-wave itself according to the correlation diagram is moving from periphery to the specific future earthquake epicenter, which is supposed to happen upon convergence of the wave from all directions. (2)

The KaY-wave front movement diagram

Thus the contradiction occurs therewith:

The peak waves warning of the earthquakes have the physiographic characteristics of the epicenter area, while the wave front moves from the periphery to the epicenter area of the future earthquake.

After a number of scrutinized facts and observations the sequence of events leading to a wave development and the earthquake itself was formed.

Generally the duricrust tide wave occurs without rock destruction, not making additional higher frequencies on the background of its own wave frequency.

Nevertheless the deep-seated crush sections take place in the areas where the wave smooth flowing is disturbed and thereby the deformation occurs. It generates crush on higher frequencies in comparison with the tide wave. Its actual amplitude is not big; however the crush causes the responding Lunar tidal potential impact proportional to cubic leap with the responding impact in the Earth crush deformation point.

Ministry for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Disaster Response of the Russian Federation Assistant Professor, Dr. E.G. Mirmovich assumes the first burst starting the possible resonance to be the result of the block fragment falling into the asthenosphere. It is true that some resonance records in the starting part mark the peak with the amplitude in large excess of the peak resonance amplitudes. If there had not been the process response and gain by resonance in the event of concurrency of vector directions and frequencies, the crush process would have been finished by weak plain shake as all the 1-2-magnitude earthquakes. Nonetheless, the Moon in response to this tidal potential change gets the shift causing the long peaks of its own resonance typical for the Moon. (6). This generating in its turn may trigger the persistent resonance process by inverse effect on the split blocks in the crush zone. In this case we may see the cycle between peaks, typical for the Earth and the Moon resonance (2.5 sec.).

This record was made on July 11-12, 2010. On July 13 at 3 o'clock (GMT) the serious earthquake took place in Greece area with the magnitude 5.5. As the resonance develops in time, the lower resonance frequencies appear. As the resonance frequency goes down, the depth of the planet zone covered by the resonance grows and the additional future earthquake epicenters get involved in the process. (In this case the chain of earthquakes connected with each other by KaY-wave speed arises. The distances between their neighboring epicenters divided by the time difference of the shake starts are constant and equal to the KaY-wave speed).

The earthquake itself lasts for tens of seconds, though the resonance may go on for hours and even for days. In the geophone record in Greece you may see the resonance (July 3), lasting for more than a day. (7).

The resonance grows and quickly goes into the Earth in accordance with the vector directions of force effects within the Moon, the Sun and the Earth. In this case, the resonance transfers into lower frequencies. Subsequently the resonance may stop or continue covering more zones. It goes down into the Earth until it stops or till it comes out from the opposite part of the Earth.

The entire planet involvement into the resonance is the ductility-level of nearly 9-magnitude earthquake.

In this regard, the resonance time prior to the earthquake equals to the distance quotient equal to the Earth semi circumference by KaY-wave speed which will approximately make 7.5 days.

(A repeated resonance is often inevitable after the strong earthquake strike, so that we almost always observe the repeated strike upon 7-7.5 days).

These resonating zones are marked by the well known forerunners, such as radon exhalation, methane, mercury vapors, reaction of reptiles, geophone rise, ionosphere effects, etc.

Further to these forerunners the seismic off-time of about a week is generally observed in the future earthquake epicenter zones.

The existence of natural resonances in the Earth's ionosphere was theoretically predicted in Shuman's researches of 1952, and then experimentally approved.

Predicted by Shuman resonance frequencies (8, 14, 20, 26, 32 Hz) correspond to so-called standing wave in a narrow spherical channel of Earth's ionosphere. (8).

The gravitational seismic infrared waves were examined by the University team. The time of vibration range is from 1 to 100,000 sec. (5).

Considering the fact that in the first case the surveying was made in the ionosphere, whilst in the second case it was made in the duricrust, we may assume that all these vibrations are connected with one gravitational and electromagnetic interaction of planets in Space, though their activities correspond to the mass and density of substance at the measuring point.

Thus all the processes in the ionosphere and the duricrust before the earthquake defined by anomalies within the high range of frequencies are not the separate causes of the earthquake genesis; rather it is the one synchronized process occurring in various frequencies and fields, matching the location and measuring procedures.

Subsequently all the forces involved in the process can be considered as the gravitational resonance process.

2. During the resonance the wave generating starts from the localization point of the future earthquake epicenter. In-phase wave oscillations of neighboring resonance zones are hereby added until its completion because of the termination of positive return conditions or upon the resonance coming out to the opposite side of the Earth.

Upon resonance completion the standing wave occurs between the hypocenter point of process start and resonance end point on the face of Earth.

In cases of short distances thereby (200-2000 km), we can observe Heroldes-clouds, telling us about the presence of infrasound standing wave between the Earth surface and ionosphere.

The photo of Heroldes-cloud circling within short distance from epicenter was taken from Space.

(Usually it is hard to see such a circling because of the large diameter of KaY-wave front circumference and cloud breaks).

3. Subsequently the KaY-wave starts surface advancing (and possibly underground as a bodily wave) towards the future earthquake epicenter. From all directions it approaches the epicenter point and discharges by the short-term (about 20-second) earthquake process. (2,3).

The KaY-wave advancing stage and its approaching the earthquake point are described in:

Now, we can investigate the life activities in the area of Volgograd-Adygeya.

First resonance occurred in the Vanuatu zone and lasted till May 21. As a result, the area of Volgograd Bridge appeared to be in the resonance outcome zone. "The strong vibrations similar to storm in the factory were detected on the bridge over the Volga River in Volgograd on May 20. All of a sudden, the new bridge started vibrating in the wind of 20-25 m/sec with the amplitude till 1.5 m. Until this case, the object had been the most reliable object in the state. Experts propose a number of explanations from bad structure to earthquake.." (News report).

Vibrations had continued till morning of May 21.

(The resonance was going down; however its zone covered another bridge in Adygeya).

"On May 21, 14:45:26, the bridge collapsed on the federal highway M4 "Don", in Teuchezhsky region of Adygeya. The bridge section of 24 by 4 meters providing the exit to Krasnodar-Novorossiysk highway collapsed. (From press release of Adygeya department of Ministry for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Disaster Response of the Russian Federation). No experts could give any reasons for this resonance."

Exactly, in accordance with the distance from Volgograd to Vanuatu and KaY-wave speed (100 km/h), "due to schedule", the wave approached the Vanuatu zone (the hypocenter point).

The earthquake strike was matching the 7.5 magnitudes.

Similar gravitational seismic field anomalies had been observed in the University before the catastrophic earthquake (1-7 days prior to the strike) in Indonesia on December 26, 2004.

Thus, we may assume as follows:

- All earthquakes have the gravitational resonance origin, however in some cases, when sensors are close to the epicenter of future earthquake, this process is hidden by foreshocks, which are seen well, 15-30 minutes prior to strike and connected with the energy generation processes in the area of the future earthquake epicenter specifically before the earthquake.

- The genesis of earthquakes is based on the resonance development processes in the area of duricrust tide wave destruction.

- All forerunners are part of the one process occurring in the resonance zone of future earthquake epicenter and KaY-wave, which returns to the resonance start point and are mostly caused by the infrasound processes and large spectrum of resonance vibrations in the zone of duricrust tide wave destruction reflecting in all fields from the Earth's core to ionosphere.

By way of certain procedures it is not a problem to define the resonating zones of future earthquake epicenters, control the resonance development as well as through KaY-waves, hours and even days before strikes and receive the exact information of place, time and force of each future earthquake.


1. N.A. Kozyrev. «Interaction between tectonic processes of the Earth and the Moon». LGU 1991г.

2. A.Yagodin. Earthquake Prediction International Center


4. А.Yagodin. «Heroldes», "Heralds" – Earth prediction through cloud development.

5. L.N. Petrova, E.G.Orlov, V.V. Karpinsky. « Dynamics and structure of the Earth oscillations in December 2004. Observations by the gravimeter in St. Petersburg.» NIIF of FOKA SpbU. Phizika of the Earth. 2007.»№2.

6. NASA. Moonquakes.


8. Shuman’s waves. Shuman’s resonance.

Translated by Dimitry Pyatnitsky.