Pre-course exercise

Read Thomas Szasz' paper: 'The myth of mental illness'. (Szasz, T.S. (1960) ‘The myth of mental illness’ American Psychologist 15: 113-118)

Now summarise the main arguments he offers for the claim that mental illness is a myth. How convincing are they? Write about a 1,000 words.


  • First do not take too long or worry overly much about the exercise. It is supposed to help you as much as us. If you enjoy picking out and thinking about the arguments Szasz offers to back up his radical claim and writing this up then you will probably enjoy our course. If not, you probably will not enjoy it.

  • Try reading the article all the way through on one evening and think about it. Then, read it again, and highlight the key points.

  • Before writing anything, think which elements of Szasz paper you will describe (you will have to be selective). Can you put his arguments largely in your own words? Are there any of his phrases which are particularly pithy and helpful and thus worth quoting? Do you agree with any (or all) of the arguments that you have identified or do you disagree, and if so why? When you know what you think about Szasz, decide what you will conclude and thus what a sensible way of ordering the mini-essay. Start the essay by summarising what you will say / argue.

  • Please email the result to either of the course tutors directly (tthornton1 or GLAyob both

  • Any questions, email me.