
The 'new' philosophy of psychiatry can, perhaps, be dated from the start of the journal Philosophy, Psychiatry & Psychology in 1994. Since then the the number of other publications and international and national conferences has grown each year increasing the resources for those wishing to study or research the area. (This page will grow over time but will not aim to replicate the INPP listing.)

INPP: The key place to look for a list of resources for the philosophy of mental health - and it is thus a resource itself - is the website of the INPP, the International Network for Philosophy and Psychiatry. The website lists forthcoming conferences, key publications, member associations and has a 'resource base': a place to look for publications on particular subjects. The site is maintained by Richard Gipps with support from Bill Fulford.

Journals: The house journal for the new philosophy of psychiatry is PPP: Philosophy, Psychiatry & Psychology.

Other key journals are Phenomenology and Cognitive Science and Mind and Language.

More general but still philosophy-based journals are Medicine Health Care and Philosophy; Medical Humanties and the free to access Philosophy Ethics and Humanities of Medicine.

A fuller list is on the INPP site. Of course, any philosophy or any psychiatry journal may publish work relevant to our field.

Book series: The house book series is IPPP: International Perspectives in Philosophy and Psychiatry.

Metapsychology online reviews reviews books in our field and more generally about philosophy and mental health.

The Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy entry on philosophy of psychiatry is here.