September 3

Changing the way we do schools requires a change from the ground up. All real reform in history begins that way. So, we need to listen to the people involved at the point of contact in education - students, parents, teachers, and school leaders.

What if schools were places where students could...

Explore real world situations, Be excited about learning, Try new things, Design their own learning, Communicate, Have fun, Discover their strengths, Learn by doing, Interact with learning, Be innovative, Learn what they are interested in, Collaborate, Learn in groups, Learn what they are interested in, Create, Make mistakes and not be ridiculed, Grow, Integrate art/culture/music/ with reading/social studies, Push boundaries, Ask questions without feeling ashamed, Learn a profession, Where girls were good at math, Excel to their capability, Explore their intelligence/curiosity/ learn to challenge themselves freely without having to worry about the rules, Learn and be confident and ready to take real world issues, Have creativity - where they could grow as an individual, Do more hands-on experiments as a way of learning, Learn more core values, Learn more creativity, Hands-on experiments, Science labs, Social skills to get along with people and learn from failure as a step towards something new, Have brainstorming activities, Learn the importance of collaboration and teamwork - not just individual work/learning, Advance quickly if necessary or receive personalized support in subjects they struggle with, learn without having stacks of homework each night, Learn that science is creative, Try something new without fear of failure, Enjoy hands-on science projects, Explore their imagination, Excel as fast as they can, Learn teamwork, Learn to teach themselves anything, Advance at their own rate, Made ready for real life challenges, Gain knowledge and experience outside science and math, Learn life skills - balance checkbook - calculate interest, Learn a foreign language, Learn music, Love options, Pick their own hours - go where they want to because they want to, Learn useful skills - law - finance, Pick their own topics, Learn the way they learn best, Explore their passions, Find and practice what they are good at, Create their own classroom, Feel accepted, Feel safe to share their ideas, Hone their individual interests and have mentors to help nurture those interests.

Then we would need teachers who...

  • are motivated and like to teach not just because they are paid for it but they have passion for it and want to make a difference

  • are passionate about teaching and understands kids' needs

  • are motivated

  • are patient with students who learn in different ways

  • are open-minded

  • are well-trained, passionate, creative, and flexible

  • love what they do

  • listen to kids and expand their knowledge

  • are creative and innovative while relying on sound science

  • care

  • break new ground and inspire future leaders

  • are motivators

  • are creative

  • are deeply engaged

  • want to push the standards

  • have vision

  • have the ability to engage with each other regardless of whether parents are in the room

  • can modify curriculum as needed to be agile when working with students and different levels

  • support different types of learning - visual, audio, and hands-on

  • are supportive, empathetic, encouraging...letting students know to reach for the stars

  • can recognize individual student needs

  • can identify how particular student learn best

  • know their students

  • believe in all kinds of methods of teaching

  • have time to work with individual kids

  • innovate learning

  • are creative

  • are passionate

  • can teach leadership and group involvement

  • are creative

  • are well rounded

  • are creative while working within a budget

  • think outside the box

  • are patient and creative

  • are willing to challenge the way they have taught in the past

  • are creative and exciting

Then we would need parents who...

  • accept difference

  • encourage student independence and work with teachers to help students achieve goals

  • honor who their kids are

  • are willing to collaborate with teachers

  • are involved

  • expect excellence

  • are supportive, encouraging

  • are supportive to new ways to teach and learn

  • are involved in their child's education

  • are supportive and willing to donate

  • trust

  • trust teachers/leaders ever if new methods are non-traditional

  • expose their kids to various topics

  • support creativity in learning

  • are open-minded

  • are involved, invested, and supportive

  • are involved and devoted to kids' activities

  • let their kids be

  • are engaged

  • are devoted towards their children as well as the school's growth and takes part in making a difference to the community

  • encourage their kids and get involved

  • are involved in school and with their kid and give them more time

Then we would need leaders who...

  • guide them in teaching

  • deliver

  • listen to parents and encourage/support students

  • are motivating

  • create accountability

  • are committed in improving the system

  • understand the basic "building blocks" are as critical as the "new" learners

  • are thinking about the well-being of students and creating new leaders for tomorrow

  • inspire students, parents, and teachers

  • care about building a great society

  • have a vision

  • listen to parents

  • are visionaries able to inspire and communicate

  • stay committed to trying new ways

  • are brave enough to leave the test scores out of the equation

  • are brave enough to go outside the current paradigm

  • believe in the vision

  • believe there is more than 1 way to teach

  • find new ways to deal with teachers ready to retire

  • can lead by example

  • banish tenure for poor teachers

  • invest in excellent teachers

  • allow for and support change

  • understand what kids need

  • can access funding

  • can develop a plan for a 6 year old and a 12 year old

  • are great communicators

  • understand the business environment

  • is a visionary and great communicator

Parent summary of their hopes for Design39Campus

  • "Maximizing student potential at their own pace"

  • "Creativity and passion should be encouraged. All the kids should be accepted, feel safe, and have a mentor."

  • "A new way of expanding learning."

  • "A place where students can explore languages, music, and have many options."

  • "Creatively explore solutions through hands-on learning and brainstorming, making one ready to face real-world issues."

  • "Excited, self-motivated students who communicate their enthusiasm and ability in real-world situations."