2014-2015 GATE Testing Information

Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) involves services for students whose cognitive needs may require modified classroom curriculum and instruction to accommodate their learning differences and ensure their achievement. Parents may request GATE testing for students in grades 2-7.

Test Date (only 1 test opportunity)


Monday, January 12 – Thursday, January 15

@ each school site during the school day.

*Each school will determine their testing date(s) within this 4 day window.

Request Submission Window

Monday, September 8 through Friday, November 21, 2014

To request GATE testing for your child, complete a GATE Parent Questionnaire/Test Consent form online through the PUSD GATE webpage https://onlinereg.powayusd.com/GateSurvey/

NOTE: Requests for GATE Testing will only be taken during the

request submission window dates.

If you have questions, please contact your child’s school office.