
Design39Campus students will demonstrate the characteristics of an academically confident learner by meeting or exceeding grade level curriculum targets. They will be adaptable, self-advocates who initiate their own learning goals and can self-regulate to attain these goals.

Students, with a growth mindset, exhibit an entrepreneurial attitude towards learning. They are persistent and courageous in taking on new challenges and willing to risk making mistakes on the road to new learning.

Students think deeply about content and concepts using critical thinking and problem solving skills. They posses an inquisitive mind and search for connections and deep understandings in the arts and sciences.

Students possess a curious and creative mind which uses various resources to produce expressions of imagination. Through creation, they develop an appreciation for the artistic expressions of others.

Students collaborate with diverse groups of people using active listening skills, leadership skills, and utilizing personal strengths to advance the goals of the group. They effectively communicate to a variety of audiences in speech, in writing, digitally, visually, and in live performances.

Students understand the global issues faced by humanity today and have an appreciation for the arts, cultures, and civilizations throughout time and around the world.

Students use the design thinking process to create innovative learning projects and products.

Students demonstrate a command of media and information technology through the creation of digital artifacts. They access and evaluate digital resources and maintain on positive online reputation by practicing the habits of digital citizenship.