Reading Instruction: What is Currently Happening in Schools

If you were to walk into 6 different schools in 6 different grade levels what is currently happening in reading instruction in literacy and content areas?

  • Reading from textbooks

  • Reading for subject content

  • Teacher chosen books/ textbook series

  • Lit workbooks

  • Answer publisher questions

  • Nonfiction reading

  • Content text being read with teacher doing think alouds followed by students doing the same

  • Simple nonfiction selections in content areas

  • Teacher students reading book aloud taking turns

  • popcorn reading from textbook

  • Content text student in pairs, reading and sharing understanding

  • Student reading silently on their own and taking notes

  • Read textbooks and take notes

  • Their is an expectation that all kids can read and understand the textbook because they are in that gra

  • Comprehension skills literal and interpretative

  • Reading and comprehensive

  • Reading journals for summary or other activity

  • Reading response writing or projects

  • Answer comprehension questions

  • Note taking while reading

  • Author's purpose or perspective

  • Analysis of ideas - poetry, speeches, etc

  • Analyzing short stories

  • Fictional story structure

  • Reading skills in isolation

  • Teacher in small groups with students sounding out letters, etc.

  • Reading groups 5-7 students teacher led discussion

  • Reading that is not meaningful or connected

  • Discriminating between genres and text types

  • Reading Literature (disconnected from context)

  • Core literature novels

  • All students reading the same thing

  • Word skills whole class in isolation

  • Reading because we have to

  • No reading for fun

  • Very little reading for pleasure i.e. pursuing an area of interest

  • SSR

  • Read aloud

  • Read to write mentor texts

  • Teacher led discussion of text

  • No reading in math and science

  • Student led discussions

  • Timed fluency practice