
At D39C we approach learning from an integrated perspective. This means we plan instruction and encourage exploration of topics from a interdisciplinary point of view. As often as possible, students learn many subjects at the same time. The curriculum is planned around fusing curriculum strands into an understandable context. There are times when subject-specific learning is appropriate and those skills are applied in a broader context to emphasize curricular connections. Learning happens when ideas are connected and our goal is connecting and applying what is learned in a meaningful way each day.

Research shows the positive effects of curriculum integration. Lipson (1993) summarizes the following findings when using integrated curriculum:

    • helps students apply skills;

    • the knowledge base leads to faster retrieval of information;

    • multiple perspectives lead to a more integrated knowledge base;

    • encourages depth and breadth in learning;

    • promotes positive attitudes in students;

    • provides for more quality time for curriculum exploration.

Integration links for further research: