Art Focus Workshop

Changes the community wants to see…

  • I want to see children use art to problem solve

  • Break stereotypes of what are is

  • Real life artists do demos - encourage mentoring

  • Want to see art infused into every discipline and every class

  • I want to see art as a process not a product to hang on the wall

  • To have sustainable art

  • Increased amount or number of sessions

  • Full time art teacher

  • Choices

  • Art should teach other principles and as history and geometry

  • More art time at schools

  • I want to see "non artists" become artists - build confidence

  • More information, creativity, use of skill

  • Art is supposed to be a weekly lesson

  • More freedom for the teacher

  • Use of multiple mediums

  • More opportunities to incorporate art

  • More classes

What excites you?

  • Allowing children to learn in a way they understand

  • Allowing kids to understand art better, being able to empower them with better skills

  • To see kids with their faces smiling showing off their art work

  • More ways to express

  • More art time/classes available and the prospect of a variety of art

  • Bringing art back to schools

  • Unlimited possibilities

  • Children experience the world through art

What don’t you want to see…

  • Structure

  • Once a month lesson

  • Some structure is required to teach the basic but let them grow in their direction

  • Teach art in a way that it is not experienced, felt, and understood so they get invested in it

  • I want to see teachers teach children not "art"

  • Limited class times and pre-defined "old school" art

  • Art corps type of rigid structure

New Opportunities you would like to see…

  • See the world with their eyes, express it with art as a medium

  • Let them talk about their art and their product

  • Appreciate contemporary art and art history

  • Experience different types of art from old school to new

  • Exposure to a higher level of art background skill

  • Bring them the foundation and let them experience

  • Use of clay and oil

  • Having museums and galleries

  • For our kids to have fun doing art and see them loving doing it on a weekly basis

  • Opportunity for kids to work in groups or independently on real world projects

  • Learning art history and how it pertains to life

Deal Breakers

  • Not rush

  • Limited to current or less sessions

  • Rules and regulations of what art is

  • Same art schedule like the current public school

  • Same project for everyone and they all look the same

  • Daily learning of art