When you need more capital,

Authorised bankers you should access,

Knowledge, sincerity, persistence,

and financial aspects they will assess.

Udyam Shastra - Chapter 8 Verse 7.

Key Objectives:

This activity aims to develop the ability to use various methods of advertisement.

  1. To develop observation

  2. To develop vocational attitude

  3. To develop social skill.

  4. To develop the sense of cooperation.

  5. To develop team spirit.

  6. To develop sense of responsibility.

  7. To develop understanding about relation between class room teaching and real life.


  • Division of labour

    • The division of work roles and tasks into those performed by various men.

  • Production

    • The creation of value or wealth by producing goods and services.

  • Product design

    • To have as a goal or purpose; intend., To plan out in systematic, usually graphic form: design a building; design a computer program.

  • Machines

    • A system or device for doing work, A device consisting of fixed and moving parts that modifies mechanical energy and transmits it in a more useful form.

  • Raw Materials

    • Unfinished goods consumed by a manufacturer in providing finished goods.., The natural products (coal, iron, crude oil, fish) and farm products (wheat, cotton, fruits) that are sold in their natural state. They are processed only to the level required for economical handling and transport.

    • 2. (product development definition) The products such as lumber and minerals that are bought for use in the production of other products, either as part of the finished item or in the industrial process.

  • Supply

    • A schedule of the amounts of a good that would be offered for sale at all possible prices at any one instance.

  • Distribution

    • The marketing and carrying of products to consumers.

  • Wholesale

    • All transactions in which the purchaser is actuated by a profit or business motive in making the purchase, except for transactions that involve a small quantity of goods purchased from a retail establishment for business use, which is considered a retail purchase.

  • Retail

    • A set of business activities carried on to accomplishing the exchange of goods and services for purposes of personal, family, or household use, whether performed in a store or by some form of non-store selling.

  • Accounts

    • A customer, usually an institution or another organization, that purchases a company's products or services.

  • Office administration

    • Looking to detailed working of office and keeping records, collecting information related to people and give reports whenever needed.

  • Management of resources

    • Making sure that nor time, money, any thing or efforts of nay person is wasted.


ACTIVITY 1- Preparation For Visit

This is a classroom activity to be conducted in groups. The teacher distributes the groups and gives work sheets to each group. In the worksheet students are guided to form questions and make a list of question they would like to ask at the visit. They are also allowed to frame question to which they try to find answers on their own without asking any one. Just by there own observation.

Task sheet-1: PRE - PRODUCTION:

This group will gather information on what happens in the factory before the cutting or stitching of clothes begins. Make list of all possible raw materials you can think of? Frame question to find where the raw material come from? How? What variety of quality and cost is available in raw material? Where is material kept? How and who brings it to the production floor etc.

Task sheet-2: PRODUCTION

This group will collect information on production process. You will collect information about who designs the cloths. See how it is cut? Who stitch them? What are steps of stitching? What is the variety of items and sizes are under production? Where does the garments go after production?


This group will collect information on production process. You will collect information about who designs the cloths. See how it is cut? Who stitch them? What are steps of stitching? What is the variety of items and sizes are under production? Where does the garments go after production?


You may see a lot of people at the factory. You may also see a lot of trucks and big boxes coming and going continuously in and out of the factory. Who keeps a record of all people coming in and going out? Some of them are people of the company coming daily. Some of them coming to give or take something. There are a lot things being brought in a lot things being sent out. Try to under stand or find information how to keep a check on people and thing coming and going in and out of the factory.


This group will collect information on maintenance of the machines and tools at the factory? How long can the machines go on working? Don't they get tired? What type of fuel or current is given to them? When are checked? Who repairs them? For how many years the machines can work? Are there shifts? People working in the shifts may change but the machines do not. When do the machines rest?


  • Form groups with the help of teachers.

  • Read the task sheet.

  • Discuss the task with the members of your group.

  • Share the knowledge that you have with your group.

  • Prepare a list of questions you may want to ask or find answers to on your visit to the garment factory.

  • Share your questions with the class.

ACTIVITY 2- Garment Factory Visit

This is the actual visit to the factory. The teacher is suggested to take a pre-visit to the factory and obtain all the permission from the concerned authorities. The teacher must also take into consideration the hazards and precaution and give sufficient guidance to the students. General discipline when being near unknown machines must be highlighted. The factory can arrange for a person to accompany the groups and answer the queries of the students. The tour route of the factory through all the departments may be decide by the factory owner and the teacher jointly. The students are instructed to take the complete tour of the factory. The task sheet in the activity-1 is needed for writing reports. At the end of the day the group should be guided to prepare a report on the task sheet given to them in activity-

ACTIVITY 3- Report of Visit

This activity may be conducted after a week of the garment factory visit. The students are invited to give a complete report with diagrams and charts and photos of their visit. The students should also be encouraged to ask questions to other groups. Do not forget to ask students to prepare a thank you card and post it to the factory owner.