Those who are truthful entrepreneurs,

Know them as ‘Gurus’ divine,

Learn from them pragmatic experience,

As if it is knowledge divine

UDYAM SHASTRA- Chapter 10,Verse 3


Reading this module and doing the students activities will enable the students :

  • To develop understanding about role of government.

  • To develop understanding about civic duties.

  • To develop understanding about the importance of government for all.

  • To develop sense of responsibility for public properties.

  • To develop understanding about role of government for an entrepreneur.


(Basic instruction regarding E.CONCEPTS to trainers: The trainer is requested to first read and follow the ‘Basic Instructions regarding Enterprise Concepts to trainers’ and proceed further thereafter. The trainer should ask a series of leading and thought provoking questions to elicit answers from the students. These answers are expected to make the students understand these E.Concepts in their own words that they recognize and know).

Definitions of the E. CONCEPTS of the module “Role of Government”

GOVERNMENT : The act of governing; exercising authority; the system or form by which a community or other political unit is governed.

CIVIC AMENITIES: The facilities provided to all members of society to make life more comfortable and better.

PUBLIC PLACES: The places where all can go and visit and take advantage of the facilities available.

HEALTH SERVICES: The services provided to cure ailment or prevent them.

TRANSPORTATION: The means utilized to move things or people from one place to another


(Basic instruction regarding n E.SKILLS to trainers: The trainer is requested to first read and follow the ‘Basic instructions regarding Enterprise Skills to trainers’ and proceed further thereafter).

E.SKILLS of the module “Role of Government”: The students activity is designed to clarify the CONCEPTS of the module and develop some ‘ENTERPRISE SKILLS’ (E. Skills). The E.Skills included in a module may not be exhaustive but are only indicative. E.Skills stated in modules elsewhere may also get addressed through the activities of a module.:

OBSERVATION: The ability or practice of noting and recording facts and events.

Verbal Communication: An entrepreneur should have good verbal communication skills which means ability to talk professionally, speak distinctly, use proper pronunciation, grammatical construction of sentences etc, so that the person to whom he/she is talking to may understand what he/she is trying to talk & convey.

Analyzing Information : Information collected needs to be analyzed so as to make it usable. This analysis could be done question wise as per certain parameters of the target audience. For example, how many males answered yes to the particular question as against how many females answered yes to the same question. Similarly, analysis could be made for the different segments based on age, education, income level etc.


Activity 1- Participate in the group discussions and catalyze the discussions wherever needed.

Instruction to Students:

            • Form groups with the help of teacher.

            • Discuss the following questions in group.

            • Jointly answer the questions in work sheet.

            • After completing the activity, each group should present and share its main discussion points with the rest of the class.


It was the first day of the school. Students of class sixth gathered in their class room. All of them were talking about their experiences in the vacation. Shakti had traveled from Bombay to Goa by road. She had a very nice experience. She said that the roads were very beautiful and they enjoyed the drive. Samay had gone to see Raighad fort with his relatives. He told about the rope-way at the Raighadh fort and described how thrilling was the ride. Neeti’s grand mother was sick. She went to the hospital with her mother every day. She took good care of her grand mother. She loved her grandmother very much. She said that the hospital in which her grand mother was kept was very good and all doctors and nurses were very helpful. They operated her grandmother and now she is feeling very good. Vinay’s uncle came down from Delhi to Bombay. Vinay went to the air port to receive his uncle. He also went to see off his Uncle at the end of the vacation. He was overjoyed to describe the marvellous experience of his visit to the air port. Vijay’s elder brother is in the army. His brother is an officer looking after repair and maintenance of war tanks. Vijay was very excited to share the stories of war heard from his brother with the class. You all must be having some fond memories of good time spent in vacation.

Q.1. Who builds the roads? Who pays for the building of Roads?


Q.2.Who builds bridges and railways?


Q.3. Who pays for the repairs and maintenance of roads and railways ?


Q.4. Who builds schools and hospitals?


Q.5. Who pays the police?


Q.6. Who pays the army, navy and air force officers?


Q.7. Do you have street lights near your house?


Q.8. Do you get electricity bill for the lights on the road?


Q.9. Who pays for the lights on the road?


Q. 10. Can you name some more facilities provided to us by the government?


Q. 11. Do we pay for these services?


The Government provides a lot of facilities and services to all. We do not pay the government for giving these services to us.